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Social Change Agents: Many Health Care Issues

Essay Instructions:

State Practice Agreements
Consider the following:
During NP clinical practicum experiences, we identify, as nurses, many health care issues that need to be addressed at the local, state, or national level. Addressing the need for change in health care policy is now an intricate part of your role as a social change agent.
identify a change needed in your community and what your nursing legacy for positive social change will be.
Identify a change needed in your community in health care policy and discuss how you could impart change during your career as an NP.
Consider your future as a NP and what your nursing legacy will be. How will you impart Social Change?
By Day 3
Post a change needed in your community and an explanation for how you will begin to implement that change. Then, share with your colleagues a brief explanation of what your nursing legacy will be and how will you impart Social Change.
Buppert, C. (2015). Buppert, C. (2015). Lawmaking and Health Policy. In Nurse Practitioner's Business Practice and Legal Guide (5th ed.). (423-436). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett.
Christensen, C. M., Bohmer, R. M. J., & Kenagy, J. (2000). Will disruptive innovations cure health care? Harvard Business Review, 78(5), 102-112, 199.
Note: Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
Heidesch, T. (2008). Disruptive innovation NPs are true Health Care Reformers. Advance Healthcare Network for NPs & PAs, 16(12), 94. Retrieved from http://nurse-practitioners-and-physician-assistants(dot)advanceweb(dot)com/Article/Disruptive-Innovator.aspx
National Conference of State Legislatures (n.d.). Glossary of Legislative Terms. Retrieved from http://www(dot)ncsl(dot)org/research/about-state-legislatures/glossary-of-legislative-terms.aspx

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Social Change Agent
Students Name
Institutional Affiliation
The diversity in health care policies makes it difficult for individuals to master all policies hence resulting to problems in the areas which members of the society lack sufficient knowledge (Buppert, 2015). One of the health care policies that need change in our community is the payment of medical bills. The main problem is of out-of-Pocket costs. As a nurse practitioner, this issue needs to be addressed because it results to the wastage of unplanned money because diseases are very unpredictable. Therefore, this leads to people spending money that should have been used for other purposes other than paying medical bills.
This problem can be solved by educating people on the need to enroll for the Medicare programs. As a result, this will reduce the expenses that come along with medical bills because the programs that cater for hospital bill (Christensen, Bohmer & Kenagy, 2000). In addition, educating the people of the community might not be enough because a large number of them might...
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