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Smoking Cessation Program Planning

Essay Instructions:

For Module 2:

Using the same health-behavior-related concern you identified in the Module 1 Case Assignment, continue to research the literature to further expand your knowledge and understanding of the factors influencing the health behavior you identified.

Provide brief explanations of the following theories and how each could be used to develop the program plan that addresses your health-behavior-related concern.

Behavioral economics of health behavior

Social cognitive theory applied to health behavior

Health communication: Theory, social marketing, and tailoring

Conclude by determining which theory and approach would be the most effective for your health-related concern. This will aid in your final selection of an effective theory and approach for the development of your final program plan proposal.

Length: 5-6 pages double-spaced (excluding the cover page and the reference list).

Format: APA format is required for this assignment.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Smoking Cessation Program Planning
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Smoking Cessation Program Planning
Smoking has long been known to be a health hazard responsible for various negative health outcomes, including cancer, heart disease, and respiratory problems. Despite this knowledge, smoking remains a prevalent and harmful health behavior, particularly in developed countries. For example, an estimated 34.3 million adults in the United States smoke cigarettes, representing over 15% of the population (Brown-Johnson et al., 2018). There are several reasons why smoking is such a difficult behavior to change. First, nicotine is a highly addictive substance, which makes it difficult for smokers to quit. Research has shown that nicotine is as addictive as heroin or cocaine (Brown-Johnson et al., 2018). It means that smokers are not only physically addicted to cigarettes but also psychologically addicted. They may smoke to relieve stress or anxiety or simply out of habit. Second, smoking is a social behavior.
Understanding the Health Behavior of Smoking
In many cases, people begin smoking because their friends or family members do smoke. It makes quitting difficult, as smokers may feel like they are missing out on social activities if they do not smoke. Additionally, smoking is often portrayed in the media as glamorous or cool, making it seem like an attractive behavior to engage in, particularly for young people (Escoto et al., 2021). Smoking is a behavior that is learned and reinforced over time. People who smoke are more likely to have friends and family members who smoke and are also more likely to live in environments where smoking is common. It makes it difficult to break the smoking cycle, as people are constantly exposed to cues that trigger their desire to smoke. Despite the challenges, several interventions are effective in helping people quit smoking. It includes behavioral therapies, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and medications, such as nicotine replacement therapy and bupropion. Additionally, support from family and friends can help motivate people to quit smoking. Overall, smoking is a complex health behavior that is difficult to change. However, several effective interventions can help people to quit.
Influences of Smoking
Smoking is a health behavior individual, social, and environmental factors. Individual factors that influence smoking include things like age, gender, and personal history. For example, younger people are more likely to start smoking than older people, and men are more likely to smoke than women. Additionally, people with a family history of smoking or other tobacco use are more likely to start smoking themselves (Brown-Johnson et al., 2018). Social factors that can influence smoking include peer pressure, social norms, and access to tobacco products. For example, people who hang out with smokers or see smoking as a norm in their social group are more likely to start smoking. Additionally, people who have easy access to cigarettes, for example, living in a household where someone smokes or working in a place where smoking is allowed, are more likely to start smoking. Environmental factors that can influence smoking include things like advertising, price, and availability of tobacco products. For example, people exposed to a lot of smoking in advertising or living in areas where cigarettes are cheap and easy to buy are more likely to start smoking (Shaheen et al., 2018). These are just some of the many factors that can influence smoking behavior. Some factors will have a bigger influence than others, and the importance of each factor will vary from person to person.
Smoking Cessation Program Plan
Despite these staggering statistics, many smokers can quit successfully. There are many different approaches to quitting smoking, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Some people can quit cold turkey, while others find that they need to slowly reduce their intake before quitting completely. There are also a variety of cessation aids available, including nicotine replacement therapy, prescription medications, and counseling (Harrison et al., 2018). To understand how to create a smoking cessation program, it is significant to examine the following theories: behavioral economics of smoking, social cognitive theory, health communication theory, social marketing, and tailoring.
Behavioral Economics of Smoking
Among the many approaches to quitting smoking, behavioral economics can play a role in helping people quit. Behavioral economics looks at how people make decisions and how psychological factors influence those decisions. When it comes to smoking, behavioral economics can help to identify why people smoke and what factors might influence them to quit (Harrison et al., 2018). For example, many people s...
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