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Ethical Consideration: Smoking Ban for Youths in College and High School

Essay Instructions:

My advocacy Campaign is smoking ban among youth in schools and colleges and to ban e-cigarette advertising in texas 
1)Summarize the obstacles you anticipate arising in the legislative process and how you could overcome these hurdles – My advocacy Campaign is smoking ban among youth in schools and colleges and to ban e-cigarette advertising 
2 ) Explain any ethical dilemmas that could arise during your advocacy campaign, and how you would resolve them- My advocacy Campaign is smoking ban among youth in schools and colleges and to ban e-cigarette advertising
3 ) Describe the ethics laws and reporting requirements that are applicable to your advocacy campaign.
4 ) Evaluate the special ethical challenges that are unique to the population you are addressing
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Legislative Obstacles
A significant obstacle to this legislation is to organize and rally grassroots efforts. Uniting people on a common topic is challenging. Financial support is a looming concern. In the fight against smoking and SHS, tobacco companies are a dynamic obstacle. In the most recent election, they have contributed nearly 2 million dollars to political interests (Action on Smoking and Health, 2014).
To combat legislative obstacles, I would unite with organizations such as the ANA and American Lung Association to present data and a cost savings analysis to legislators. Health care costs are on the forefront with the Affordable Care Act. SHS impacts our economy. In 2006, costs from the effects of SHS were over five billion dollars (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2014).
Ethical Considerations
Policy change to increase awareness and education does not present any immediate ethical challenges. There are further ethical considerations and dynamics which may occur as a result of this policy that will be reviewed.
Patient Autonomy
Requiring mandatory education for new parents can impede upon their autonomy. Patients have the right to refuse; however, health care providers should strongly encourage them to watch and receive the materials on SHS. According to Entwistle, Carter, Cribb, and McCaffery (2010), some patients may make autonomous choices, but may not be informed to make the best choices. Two ethical considerations about autonomy exist regarding this policy change. Firstly, patients have the autonomous right to refuse, therefore eliminating the benefit. Secondly, healthcare providers may not inform patients of the importance of reviewing the materials, causing them to make a poorly informed autonomous decision.
According to Dovidio and Fiske (2012), bias can occur when people are not aware. It impacts many interactions and even decisions in health care settings. Minorities do not receive the same quality of care in every setting as other groups (Dovidio & Fiske, 2012). Bias is an ethical consideration for policy change regarding SHS. Stotts et al. (2013) identifies that minority and lower income groups are more at risk for smoking. Health care providers need to evaluate how they approach patients when giving them educational material. They may possess unintentional bias that makes them think that educational materials would not change the parents’ behavior. Conversely, health care providers may determine that other non-minority
patients do not need educational materials and may not struggle with smoking and SHS issues. These ethical concerns should be considered since this policy targets a specific population.
Ethics Laws and Reporting
A lobbyist in the state of Pennsylvania must register within ten days. Organizations and lobbyists must submit expenses each quarter. A lobbyist may not directly offer financial support for their gain. When communicating mass messages and advertisements, the payer of such messages needs to be clearly disclosed. Records of activities should also be kept for four years. In an effort to ensure measures are followed, lobbyists are subject to routine auditing. (Pennsylvania State Ethics Commission, 2014). These measures assure that the lobbyist is working ethically and without undisclosed interests.
Information regarding lobbyists and expense reports can be found on the Pennsylvania Lobbyists’ website. The state website provides information to current and prospective lobbyists. It provides instructions for anyone to file complaints against lobbyists. It also lists the audit lottery draw dates for lobbyists. Information about registrant expense reports and due dates for reports are available. To view the lobbyist directory and disclosure information an account needs to be created (Pennsylvania Department of State, 201

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Ethical Consideration: Smoking Ban for Youths in College and High school
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Ethical Consideration: Smoking Ban for Youths in College and High school
One of the obstacles to the campaign is the argument that the cigarette industry contributes significantly to the nation’s revenue. The tobacco companies have provided employment to many people, hence banning may result in some people losing a source of livelihood. Additionally, there is the view that smoking bans infringe on individual’s rights and thus rallying people to support this course would be challenging. Also, the advocating for e-cigarette advertisement banning may receive possible resistance from the media because they get money from the adverts.
The countering of the above issues would entail partnering with high schools and colleges to get an avenue to communicate directly to the youth about the effects of smoking. Additionally, linking with bodies such as the World Health Organization and American Lung Association that have the statistics concerning the impact of smoking on health and the economy would contribute significantly to the campaign. The legislators would listen to the arguments that are evidence based using supporting data. The medical costs that the country incurs in treating smoking-related conditions are escalating each year, according to CDC reports (2016).
One of the ethical dilemmas in this campaign is the opinion that smoking is one’s right and its ban infringes one’s autonomy (Harvey, Fleming & Patterson, 2002). There would be the need to help people understand that while championing for one’s rights, one should not also affect those of others. Second-hand smoke is the primary cause of many diseases that are fatal. Another ethical issue would arise in the process of creating awareness to the leaders of the institutions and the students. The educational program would require that no one is forced to participate in the discussions. Also, it is important to create a policy that would make it necessary for parents and guardians to understand the effects of second-hand smoke. The establishment of appropriate channels to present this would e...
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