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Significant Impact of High-Risk Nutritional Practices Among Cultures

Essay Instructions:

Examine the high-risk nutritional behaviors associated with different cultures. Identify the historical perspectives, belief systems, and other factors associated with these high-risk nutritional behaviors for each culture. Write a 1,500-3,000 word paper on your findings in which you accomplish the following:

Summarize the high risk-nutritional behaviors practiced among 10 different cultures.

Discuss the historical perspectives and belief systems of these cultures that influence the high-risk nutritional behaviors.

Explore additional influencing factors on high-risk behaviors for each culture. These may include, but are not limited to (a) education, (b) family roles, (c) spiritual beliefs, (d) health care practices, and (e) drug and alcohol use.

This paper requires minimum of six outside resources in addition to the textbook, properly documented using APA guidelines.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

Thesis and/or main claim are comprehensive; contained within the thesis is the essence of the paper. Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper clear.

High-risk nutritional behaviors are described in specific detail for each culture. Significant historical perspectives and belief systems are discussed for each culture. The discussion provides insight into high-risk nutritional behaviors for each culture.

Specific factors influencing high-risk behaviors are presented for each culture. A clear explanation of how the factors influence high-risk behavior in each culture is discussed. The discussion provides insight into high-risk behavior among different cultures.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Risky Health Behaviors
Some of the health care problems that the society faces todays are associated with the practices that have long been embedded in the culture. There are quite a number of practices that most of the cultures will be involved in and they have some very detrimental impacts on the health of the community. To get the perspective of high risk nutritional practices, these can be defined as any nutritional habits that increase the risk of health complications. For example binge drinking among the youths is an unhealthy practice that increases the risk of developing alcohol related diseases. Practices such as having unprotected sex, sex with multiple partners, smoking cigarettes, smoking cannabis, eating processed foods, lack of exercise and overeating are some of the most common risky habits that are likely to cause health problems or even lead to chronic diseases and death in the extreme cases (Hyder&Morrow, 2005). Different cultures will have some practices that they have had for years and while they may be justified along cultural practices or social, they are risky and will in the end be one of the reasons for their health challenges. It is important to note that each of the cultures plays a vital in the global health outlook and policies for the future. As such, these are significant aspects that need to be addressed and in this case with reference to the Indians, Native Americans, Mexicans, Chinese, Haitians, Kenyans, Israeli, Egyptians and the Jamaicans.
Indians and Native Americans
To start off the cultures with risky health practices are the Indians and Native Americans. According to the survey conducted on the two communities, the leading health challenges are malnutrition, infectious diseases, and even infant mortality. This can be attributed to the cultural practices that the cultures have had for quite some time and they affect their health in the short and long run. Some of the unhealthy and risky behaviors that are common among the Indians and the Native Americans include the fact that they smoke (Denny, Holtzman& Cobb, 2003). This is a common practice and one that has been growing despite the fact that, there are warnings of the impacts of the same. Most of the males in this culture are also workaholics, which means that they rarely have the time to relax and give their body the time to recharge. At the same time a good number of men and especially of the young men. Among the women these are not common practices and such, it is the men population that is at risk of health complications associated with the same. The main contributing factor is the spiritual beliefs that guides the foods that they eat at any given time. Even patients have to eat certain foods and perform specific practices that appease the spirit world.
African Americans
In the United States one of the main challenges is associated with obesity. However, there’s a challenge among the African Americans who are actually predisposed to obesity and other overweight diseases risks.
‘African Americans have difficulty in achieving these lifestyle modifications. The prevalence of Obesity (Class 2 and 3) among all ethnic groups is highest for African Americans of both genders (Must et al., 1999). Compounding the weight issue is the fact that 43% of African American women, and 26% of African American men are physically inactive (Crespo, Smith, Andersen, Carter-Pokras, & Ainsworth, 2000). Cardiovascular mortality increases in African Americans when the average consumption of alcohol is greater than one drink a day (Sempos, Rehm, Wu, Crespo, &Trevisan, 2003), yet binge drinking (more than five alcoholic drinks at one sitting) occurs in 14.5% of African Americans, and 4.5% are considered to be heavy drinkers (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2004). Smoking causes a significant rise in BP and contributes to increased cardiovascular mortality. Twenty-two percent of African Americans continue to smoke (Centers for Disease Control, 2004). Habitual ingestion of high levels of dietary salt (NaCl) is associated with increased blood pressures (Cooper et al., 1997; Stamler, 1997). Although not unique to any one racial/ethnic group, increased BP sensitivity to salt ingestion continues to be postulated as a key factor in African American HTN (Peters & Flack, 2001).’(Peters, Aroian& Flack, 2006)
As seen from the excerpt above, they are not just at the risk of being overweight, there are other risks such as cardiovascular mortality from the risky behaviors of smoking and even the heavy use of alcohol. There are also the issues associated with the lack of physical exercises and this is one of the leading reasons for the growing numbers of obese children and even children(Peters, Aroian& Flack, 2006). What is more complex is that, obesity in itself is a predisposing fact to other health complications associated with such diseases as cancer, the heart, liver the brain and even extends to the social life of the patient. In this case the social economic status is one of the leading factors that contributes to the risky behaviors. Which further connects to the access to health care which is limited by the financial powers of the families.
When considering the Mexican population, especially the adults, there are some elements of the dietary approaches that have some alarming aspects. While the Mexicans have had a reduction in the number of infectious diseases, they have had a rapid increase in the number of chronic diseases. Diseases such as obesity, diabetes type 2 and cardiovascular diseases are among the most common ones that have replaced the infectious ones (Flores et al., 2010). This is relative to the fact that, other than the fact that they have three main dietary patterns, which include the use of sweets, refined foods, as well as animal products. The factors associated with the risks are largely educational, spiritual beliefs, social, economic, drugs and health care practices.
What is more interesting is the fact that, while most of the cultures have some element of risky health habits, the Chinese have none. At least none of the research used explicitly mentions poor habits that are commo...
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