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Project Translation and Planning: Elaborate Handwashing Plan to Prevent Clasbi

Essay Instructions:

I would like it to be on Handwashing to help prevent Clabsi’s

Create an implementation plan in which you:

1. Explain how you will measure the change and how you will know when you have reached your improvement goal.

2.Create a list of outcomes required to reach your outcomes goal. This will allow you to determine the actions needed and the priority of tasks that will result in the desired outcome.

3. Determine who will be responsible for each outcome (typically each is assigned to a team member who is motivated in seeing the successful implementation of the plan).

Determine the actions needed to take place for each outcome to occur. Questions to consider when determining what action needs to take place:

Who do we need to talk to?



What needs to be decided?

What resources are needed?



Supplies and equipment

4. What milestones need to be set to know we’re on track?

5. When do we need to check on the progress of those milestones?

6. Overall timeframe for the project

7. What potential setbacks do we need to plan for?

Risk management plan

8.Do any tasks need to be done before taking this action?

9. Establish budget, roles, and responsibilities (who will be responsible for what).

10. Determine how you will monitor progress, which provides you the means of tracking actions as they are completed and will make you aware of actions that are late or off track.

11. Select an established EBP model to guide the implementation of the plan, and discuss why it is appropriate for your project.

Remember that without a measure, progress becomes a matter of opinion and opinions can easily change over the course of an implementation timeline.

Create an evaluation plan. Your evaluation plan will define the standard of measurement for progress and will include:

Measurable outcomes (both short-term and long-term – formative assessments and summative assessments)

Data to be collected and how and when it is to be collected

Established evaluation points where data can be evaluated and adjustments made to the implementation plan as a result.

You must cite a minimum of two scholarly reference sources to support your responses.

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Clasbi condition emanates from the bloodstream problems associated with the central catheter. The latter is an intravascular device that terminates closer to the heart or other main vessels. According to the CDC report, the epidemiology of the problem is fast changing. However, handwashing has been cited among the most effective methods of mitigating the problem. According to Kristi et al. (2020), handwashing helped reduce the problem by 44% between 2008-2016, proving the effectiveness of hygiene in preventing the disease. Among the primary dangers of the problem are costly hospital stays, increased morbidity, and a rise in mortality. Research shows that the mortality rate from the condition is between 12-25% (Kristi et al.,2020). The following is an elaborate handwashing plan aimed at preventing Clasbi.

The Change Measurement

            The number of cases reported from the time of adoption of handwashing is the primary means of measuring the program's effectiveness. The reported statistics shall be compared to those recorded before implementing the plan to determine whether there are downward, static or upward trends in the number of cases. The severity of the problem during the two periods shall be measured through the changes in morbidity and mortality rates associated with the problem. The responses from the community and target groups shall also be used for measuring the sustainability and attitude towards the program. Positive change in attitude, downward morbidity, and mortality rates shall prove that the program has reached its goals and vices versa.

The List of Expected Outcomes

  1. Reduced Clasbi related morbidity and mortality rates.
  2. The positive change in people’s attitudes towards handwashing.
  3. The increased community, government, healthcare stakeholders, and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) support of the handwashing program.

The Task Allocation

  1. The team leaders shall be in charge of coordinating the entire program.
  2. The collection and analysis of morbidity and mortality rates shall be assigned to the team data and research analyst.
  3. The assistant team leader one shall be tasked with measuring the attitude of the target population towards the handwashing programs.
  4. The entire team shall gather information on the community, government, healthcare stakeholders, and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs') support for the handwashing initiatives.

The following are the actions that shall be needed to achieve the desired outcomes:

  1. A robust sensitization of the public on the importance of handwashing shall be done to reduce the morbidity and mortality rates of the condition. Brochures and other training materials offering guidelines on the handwashing process and requirements shall be issued to the members of the public. Partnership with the local leadership to gain access to their gathering shall also be initiated to achieve the above objective. The move shall help the team access populations gathered by these leaders and offer handwashing training through the platforms. The programs shall also be incorporated into the already existing public health programs within the target populations.
  2. Partnering with the public health sector shall also be initiated to benefit from their already established structures. The approach will not only enhance sustainability but also reduce costs. The same approach is also expected to influence the attitude of the people towards the program. The trust accorded to the partners shall be automatically shared with this program's development and management team. The strategy will improve sustainability and the attitudes towards the program and enhance engagement with stakeholders within the health care sector, government, and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs).

The following are some of the things that must be decided to achieve the desired outcomes:

  1. The budget allocation for each activity.
  2. The required skills set for each team member.
  3. The engagement approach with the relevant stakeholders.
  4. The outcome measurement strategy.
  5. The problem identification and mitigation approach.
  6. The team structure.

The Budget

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