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Sexual Divisions of Labor and How to Address the Issue of Gender Inequality

Essay Instructions:

Read topic then read students response. Tell what you agree/disagree, like/dislike, if you have anything to add be my guest.
How are sexual divisions of labor and divisions of household labor evident in your life?
Are sexual divisions of labor and divisions of household labor necessary to society? Why or why not?
What would you suggest as an alternative to address issues of gender inequality?
students response: Yes, sexual divisions are very apparent in my life. Sexual divisions of labor are apparent in community service projects I'm involved with. For example our college group was unloading sound equipment after we hosted a worship service at a sorority house and as we getting the sound equipment into my friends truck I begin to lift a sound system, the guy quickly grabbed it from me and said "you shouldn't try to lift anything heavy by yourself" I get that he was concerned for me but I felt like that he sort of unknowingly placed a limit on me as woman. And the same things goes with my brothers, they never let me try to move heavy objects, even if I'm not struggling to do so. I don't think divisions of labor are necessary in all situations but I understand that there are a few expectations; such as pregnancy, health reasons, or any type of physical disability. The division then can prevent possible incidents from occurring. But both sides of the perspective need to be taken into consideration. Does the person truly need help? or Am I potentially hindering this person? are questions that should be assessed prior. An alternative I would suggest is being willing to have open conversation about gender inequality, I really think that's the first step. I would also like to see women get paid more for the same profession as men. And I think politically it should be addressed more and portrayed more in the media and all over social networks because right now its the main source of our news in our society.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
I agree with the student that sexual divisions of labor are commonplace in day -to-day life. What I don't agree is the student's suggestion on how to address the issue of gender inequality. The suggestion that gender-based divisions of labor should be addressed politically and portrayed more in the media and social networks is wrong. This is because politicizing a social issue rarely works. Gender discrimination takes numerous forms in the workplace and a wide variety of events can cause feelings of favoritism or unfairness. If a woman is a career-focused and ambitious person who can make a difference in the workplace, there are ways to climb the ladder even if people are always being treated differently.
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