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2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Select two of the possible topics provided to complete your MindMap Template.

Essay Instructions:
Ulcers After HP shots Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Pancreatitis Liver failure—acute and chronic Gall bladder disease Inflammatory bowel disease Diverticulitis Jaundice Bilirubin Gastrointestinal bleed – upper and lower Hepatic encephalopathy Intra-abdominal infections (e.g., appendicitis)
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Concept Map Template Primary Diagnosis: Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) 1. Describe the pathophysiology of the primary diagnosis in your own words. What are the patient’s risk factors for this diagnosis? Pathophysiology of Primary DiagnosisGastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) arises from multiple factors that interfere with processes that protect the esophagus from stomach acid, which leads to the condition. Chen and Brady (2019) reveal that dysfunctions such as the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) relaxation allow non-acidic and acidic content reflux when individuals are upright and even postprandial. Such outcomes also arise from gastric distention as the stomach releases the extra pressure. Chen and Brady (2019) indicate that poor esophageal clearance, disrupted mucosal protective factors, and hiatal hernias contribute to the disease development. Hiatal hernia also triggers acid pockets, complicates clearance and LES function, and aggravates esophagus acid exposure. A combination of these factors leads to the eventual development of GERD disease. Causes Risk Factors (genetic/ethnic/physical)GERD causes are complex and may comprise LES dysfunction, hiatal hernia, and other aspects that interfere with gastric emptying. Chen and Brady (2019) also add that the risk factors may double as causative factors. Risk factors for GERD are multifaceted, ranging from lifestyle-based aspects such as overeating, obesity, supine position sleeping, and heavy lifting. Intake of certain foods, such as high-fat meals, may increase gastric emptying delays, while acidic items like citrus and carbonated drinks may worsen the disease. Chen and Brady (2019) flag smoking, alcoholic beverages, and medications such as e-pills and anticholinergics as additional risk factors. 2. What are the patient’s signs and symptoms for this diagnosis? How does the diagnosis impact other body systems, and what are the possible complications? Signs and Symptoms – Common presentationHow does the diagnosis impact each body system? Complications?Common symptoms of GERD comprise inflammation, regurgitation, and heartburn. They often emerge 30-60 minutes after a meal. Others include scarring and esophageal bleeding. GERD affects the digestive system through throat irritation and other systems, such as the respiratory system, through a chronic cough (Chen & Brady, 2019). 3. What are other potential diagnosis that present in a similar way to this diagnosis (dif...
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