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Select, research and analyze one of the concepts covered in PPN102 (Weeks 1-3). You will have identified this concept as part of PPN102 Assignment #1: Annotated Bibliography. Your paper should include 1) an explanation of the significance of the concept to the nursing profession, and 2) reflection on how this concept might influence your learning/practice as a nursing student.

Essay Instructions:
1) Introduction • State the focus, purpose of the paper and chosen concept, and provide a brief outline of the paper. 2) Body (This section should be the FOCUS of your paper, and written in 3rd person) • Use a maximum of three current peer-reviewed, nursing focused resources (PPN102 Assignment #1) to examine your concept in depth. All resources must have been published within the past 10 years. • Use the feedback your instructor provided for Assignment #1 to strengthen and refine your analysis. • As part of your examination, be sure to: a) include a definition of the concept supported by this peer reviewed nursing literature ONLY. b) analyze and explain how this concept is relevant in the nursing profession, supported by the literature. NOTE: Analysis is an important part of this paper. Here are key points to help guide your writing. • Analysis moves beyond description and involves deep examination of the concept. • Analysis is a process of inquiry that draws on multiple resources/citations to identify, compare and contrast different viewpoints of the concept. • Analysis involves not only how the concept is used/exhibited (in nursing), but also how, where and when it emerges, what it means and why it is significant. c) reflect on and describe your new understanding of this concept based on the literature you have read. How can this influence your learning and future nursing practice? (written in 1st person) 3) Conclusion • Provide a concluding paragraph for your paper that ties together key points and arguments. Do not add new information in the conclusion.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Therapeutic Nursing Relationship about Trust Concept Student Name Institutional Affiliation Course Code Instructor Date The nurse-patient relationship is key to the delivery of quality care. For any successful or fruitful healthcare outcome, there is need for a healthy relationship between the nurse and the patient. While not really a must, it is just essential to establish practices that promote this, for any healthcare institution. The single most important contributor of a healthy patient-nurse relationship is trust. Establishing trust however, is dependent on other processes and practices. The purpose is to analyze how trust operates in nurse-patient relationships and its implications for patient care. Trust can be defined based on honesty, reliability, and confidentiality. The paper examines conceptual models outlining the role of trust in therapeutic nursing, including factors that facilitate or inhibit trust. The paper also highlights client perspectives and nurse responsibilities regarding trust, highlighting professional boundaries, power dynamics, communication barriers, and advocacy issues. Application of the concept in areas like mental health nursing and care of vulnerable populations will illustrate impacts on health outcomes. The paper expands conceptual understanding to nurture positive, ethical connections with patients and uphold their dignity through holistic care based on Trust. According to Smythe et al. (2017), trust is an active social practice that must be initiated, sustained, and, in some instances, restored and continuously validated. Trust is an important concept in the therapeutic nurse-patient relationship, viewed as willingly accepting vulnerable conditions. It involves a patient's confidence that the nurse has their best interests in mind and will care for them competently and ethically by upholding privacy standards, transparency, dependability, and compassion (Crotty & Doody, 2015). For a nurse, there are some qualities that are more in-built than learnt; such as compassion and empathy, that tend to play a key role in establishing trust with the patient. These qualities can naturally be observable from a patient’s perspective, as first impression. Trust is essential within nursing as it enables therapeutic rapport, disclosure of sensitive information, and patient participation in care decisions. The development of trust facilitates positive health outcomes. With trust, patients candidly share symptoms and insights, allowing accurate assessments and person-centered interventions. Trust, cultivated by therapeutic relationships, helps grow cognitive, emotional, and other skills, which play a key role in a person's development. Trust helps patients to engage with nurses effectively, ascertaining responses to treatment and improving the quality of life (Crotty & Doody, 2015). According to Smythe, trust helps mental health support work...
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