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Scope and Breadth of Social Problems in Healthcare, Gun Control, and Homelessness

Essay Instructions:

Topic: In your own words, not the text nor a website, how would you define a social problem? Add to your discussion what do you feel are the three main social problems in the United States? Why?
My response to topic: A social problem is a social issue that affects people in a society, and actions ought to be undertaken to address the problem. The ideal situation is to meet needs and deal with the social problem, but this may require public policy. High homicide rates, violence, poverty and family disintegration are social problems that affect Americans and addressing them would improve the lives of people.
Homicide and violence is a social problem that does not necessarily depend on access to guns since Switzerland also allows people to own guns and is considerably safer. Other countries allowing gun control are also safer than the US. Homicide rates may be the reflection of other underlying social issues, including high crime rates, lawlessness, and even poverty. America has high homicide rates compared to high-income countries, but violence tends to be concentrated in certain communities, neighborhoods. The differences between the safest and the most violent areas in the US include homicide rates, violence and crime rates.
Despite belief in the American Dream, there are generations of people living in poverty, especially when they are vulnerable in such communities. Those in low paid jobs, finding it hard to make ends meet, all while experiencing high healthcare costs and education some find themselves perpetually in debt. Poverty also increases the risk of homelessness, and when there is no family and community structure children are at higher risk of engaging in risky behavior to make ends meet. There are also instances of discrimination that negatively affects the ability of people to access opportunities, proper housing and loans.
There are various reasons for family breakdowns and disintegration has affected the modern family, and this also results in other social problems. Ideally, family stability enhances emotional and social support, where are nurtured, and well adjusted. The impact of family disintegration on children may result in unresolved relationship issues that affects their lives, that of their parents and the society. Hence, improving the lives of vulnerable individuals and family has far reaching effects in improving stability.
Peer's response to topic:
A social problem is the interference of norms or policies of our society, into the ability to achieve a comfortable and dependable livelihood, that is safe and maintainable. Three prominent social problems in the U.S. today are healthcare, homelessness, and gun control.
Our healthcare policies within the United States are not sufficient to supply adequate care for our aging population. Because of extended life spans, there are necessary procedures that will improve or prolong the lives of our seniors. However, these procedures are being disallowed because of the advanced age of the policyholders. Some can take this problem as a effort to reduce the population of Baby Boomers in our society. Policy should be initiated that no service can be denied to a senior citizen if that citizen is healthy enough to endure and survive the medical procedure. There should also be a cap on the prices of medication needed for daily living. Too many seniors have too little funds remaining after paying the price for their monthly medications.
Homelessness is a problem seen throughout all of our United States. The homeless are a very diverse population of Veterans, Teachers, Professionals, and common workers. They are mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers. They are most likely unemployed, and labeled as unemployable by their appearance and their living situation. Clean them up, give them a haircut, put them in a suit, and allow them to speak. They would be unrecognizable as a homeless individual. There has to be policy in place to rescue these citizens from our streets. They can not be labeled as undesirables, and left to their own defenses. It is most likely the policies or actions of our society that placed them in the destitute position that they endure on a daily basis.
Gun control is a serious problem in our society. Our constitution states that we have the right to bare arms. The government cannot restrict that right. However, the type of guns that are allowed to citizens must be regulated. Automatic weapons should only be in the hands of our law enforcement and military forces. Too many innocents have fallen to their deaths because of automatic gunfire. Those responsible for providing automatic weapons to unqualified citizens must be held responsible for their actions. They should also regulate the advertisement of guns and games that depict violence as acceptable.
What you do: Please read topic, then my answer, and then my peer's answer. Write what you liked/agreed with about my peers response (keeping in mind of my response to the topic). If you have questions to ask the peer, then do so.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The definition of a social problem as, "the interference of norms or policies of our society," fails to adequately define the scope and breadth of social problems. This definition further does not specify what exactly interference of norms means. The definition also fails to adequately describe what interference entails. The assertion that a social problem presents itself where comfort is not prevalent further denotes the lack of understanding as to what a social problem is.
I agree with the assertion that healthcare is a definite social problem in the US. However, I disagree with the characterization. I think that access to healthcare is the social problem. The assertion that there is a defined policy to limit healthcare access to the elderly is false. The Affordable Care...
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