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Scientific Communication Ethical Review

Essay Instructions:

Using the input and suggestions from the peer-edited first draft, write the final version of your research paper in 2,500 and 3,000 words.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is required

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Research Paper Final Draft: Scientific Communication Ethical Review
Scientific communication acts as a bridge between scientists and the general public, and in recent years, it has been applied in various fields. In other words, for scientists to convey what they know and are required to share with others, a mode of communication must first exist in line with the specific technicalities of the relevant subject. Consequently, the terminology and methods of communication have a scientific flavor to them. This distinguishes them from the vocabulary and techniques of other communication languages. Further, the viability of a particular collection of information is solely determined by the viability of the information that it passes on. As a result, there is the potential for situations in which the scientific knowledge at hand cannot explain its contents ethically. When this occurs, those who read or listen to the scientific communication item in question are likely to be misled, which may cause them to have an inaccurate impression of the topic being discussed.
Thus, the scientific community must ensure that the information shared is accurate, exact, can be demonstrated, and leads to sound ideas that improve knowledge of the topic being addressed. Thus scientists or science communicators must follow the established guidelines or protocols regarding the credibility and dissemination of information. Consequently, they are guaranteed to increase the number of people familiar with the field they are discussing, thus raising awareness about it. Accordingly, the scientific community has made efforts to guarantee effective communication of current scientific knowledge. Monitoring science-related news disseminated to the general public is one example of such efforts.
Additionally, the scientific community relies on experts and scientific publications to engage the public in scientific discussions. They also use expert organizations to correct misinformation published on online resources. Other efforts include using proper, well-established channels such as journal publications and technical reports to disseminate information, simple visual and verbal representation of information, and specialized websites and online platforms to provide information about a particular scientific domain. When it comes to determining the truth regarding scientific facts, these activities aim to ensure the public is not misled. In light of this, it is necessary to evaluate scientific communications from an ethical point of view.
In the last several decades, the quality of communication has improved significantly. As a result, the amount and velocity of information being shared have increased. The public's understanding of scientific communication has been raised through various communication channels exploited by scientific communicators. However, the utilization of different communication channels has created the opportunity for various scenarios under which the information shared is limited to the relevance of the person sharing the information. The methods of communication used in the scientific community are restricted since the information that is accessible is only as reliable as the one who is spreading it (Fausto et al., 2012). This dependency on the reliability or relevance of the person disseminating the information can be beneficial or detrimental to information recipients. For example, there are instances where some of the scientific knowledge currently being disseminated is not entirely accurate. Still, people believe it because a reliable/relevant person has shared it. Yet, scientific communication aims to increase the number of individuals with accurate beliefs about scientific knowledge (Kappel & Holmen, 2019). This goal requires the elimination of false or inaccurate scientific information.
The concept that scientists might establish morality about what the public needs to know about various scientific subjects is tied to the information such scientists share with the public. In their effort to raise public knowledge of scientific issues, professionals such as newscasters, press members, podcasters, and bloggers pay attention to the requirements of the general audience. Scientists believe that the information they disseminate to the general public and the channels they employ is free from prejudice. They also assume that the general public is exposed to accurate and truthful information. However, because it is dependent on the trustworthiness of the information provider and the sources that are used to share such information, the process of scientific communication is not without its limits (Sun et al., 2019). Concerned scientists believe it is their responsibility to ensure that the information shared with the general public is accurate and disseminated using the appropriate protocols. To guarantee that the general public is fully informed, efforts have been made to reduce the number of instances in which information has been distorted or contains contradictory information.
This project will use both library and online research to examine already-existing papers, published journals and scholarly articles, textbooks, and internet resources on scientific communication. Special attention will be paid to sources that discuss how the scientific community monitors the information disseminated to the public.
The outcomes of the review of existing sources reveal the following: First, scientific communication is restricted to the communication instruments that are now available, which are determined by the technology levels. Second, there is a pressing need to educate the general public on the significance of verifying the accuracy of the information they get from various sources (Kappel & Holmen, 2019). Third, the strength and dependability of scientific knowledge are directly proportional to the number of facts shared. Last but not least, all individuals are susceptible to being misinformed, which hinders their ability to correctly understand scientific information.
The credibility of information is a gauge of how valuable and trustworthy the information is. Based on how the communication is supported and how much information it provides, it has become clear that scientific communication needs a specific degree of expertise. According to Naeem et al. (2021), scientists know that the general public is most interested in facts/findings rather than the exploration process involved in gathering the facts. Thus, individuals must accept and act upon the knowledge supplied to them so long as it advances their understanding of the issue. Thanks to modern technology like the internet, more information is available nowadays and can be accessed by anybody from anywhere around the world at any time. However, this increased accessibility has some negative connotations because the general public might find it challenging to establish the accuracy and credibility of the available information.
Scientific communication principles should be followed when relaying information from scientists to the general public. The goal of scientific communication is to give the general public new information and increase awareness and understanding of certain issues (Kappel & Holmen, 2019). Yet, only scientists can establish the integrity of the information being shared. To this end, science communicators must adhere to the established scientific communication guidelines and avoid misleading the general public. When the established procedures in scientific communication are followed, the public will be in a better position than before, and any information shared will inevitably deepen or broaden their understanding of the subject under discussion. Fundamentally, there is a fine line between what is accurate and what is false in scientific communication because individuals are unable to identify misinformation (Scheufele & Krause, 2019). Misinformation might lead uninformed individuals to believe one thing when the opposite is true about the topic at hand.
The following are some of the concepts that have been explored and used to ensure that scientific communication is carried out effectively: First, relying on experts in various scientific fields facilitates effective scientific communication. For instance, many podcasts devoted to scientific education discuss scientific information from experts and published journal articles (Lomayesva et al., 2020). As a result of this approach, scientific knowledge is disseminated more efficiently, and every effort is made to weed out any material that could be misleading or incorrect before it gets to the general public. There is a significant chance that if scientists were not careful with the information they share with the public, this knowledge would be questioned on several levels. When disseminating scientific information, scientists trying to improve communication need to be transparent, unbiased, and level-headed. The moral need to exert control over the distribution of scientific knowledge may be met in part by making an effort to prevent any misinformation from reaching the general public.
Second, the scientific community ensures effective communication of scientific information by correcting misinformation on online sources. People are generating, sharing, and accessing information through a simple click of a button. It has thinned the line between truths and lies because anyone visiting online sources is more likely to b...
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