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2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
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School Nursing and Scenario Writing Assignment Paper

Essay Instructions:

Question 1:
You are new to school nursing and are desperate to establish yourself as an effective and efficient school nurse in your school district. However, you have multiple deadlines due at multiple school sites during the same time frame and have no idea how to accomplish the tasks. You feel completely overwhelmed with the demands placed on you due to the medical needs of your students and are frustrated with not being able to provide direct care. All of these work dynamics have been weighing heavy on you and you are beginning to feel powerless over the circumstances. What are some things you can do to feel empowered as a school nurse for your district?
Question 2:
Scenario: Kai is a 17 year old senior. He comes to the health office 2-3 times per week during his lunch period or during the last hour of school. He requests to use the boys restroom in the health office instead of the other boys' restrooms because he wants privacy. He sometimes is in the restroom for 20 minutes but when asked if he's ok he always says yes. After using the restroom he may rest on the cot for 15 or 20 minutes. He seems intelligent and is always polite, but he does not give much information when asked questions. Over a period of a few weeks you learn he is a good student, has been accepted to his top college choice, that his stomach issue is long standing. You have contacted his parents about the frequent visits they tell you they're aware but they don't have much else to say. Please comment on points to keep in mind when interviewing this student and how you would proceed. What is the role of personal self-reflection in your practice as a school nurse?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Institutional Affiliation:
School Nursing and Scenario
Question 1:
As a practicing nurse in a school new to me, the need to establish myself as an efficient school nurse within the institution remains of importance. Given the complexities in meeting deadlines as a result of multiple school sites, there are several aspects that need consideration in feeling empowered as a nurse within the district. Through empowerment, as a nurse, I will have the capacity to effectively mobilize and motivate myself and others in accomplishing positive outcomes in the district, an aspect that posits the need to enhance my leadership skills by encouraging the participation of teams in managing the challenges exhibited within the work environment (Hwang et al, 2013). On the other hand, the need to be a positive change agent plays an integral role in this situation. Through this, I will be able to evaluate the environment in a bid to establish the areas that need improvement in increasing efficiency within the work environment.
This will result in the heightening of the job role satisfaction within the developed workgroups. On the other hand, it was essential to make consultations with other nurses within the district, efforts driven towards prioritizing some of the tasks that needed address firsthand. The understanding of the need to delegate responsibilities among team members in handling the students would be effective in reducing the work pressures within the district(Ledger & Kilminster, 2015). In achieving this goal, the need to determine the potentials of each team member and their areas of specialization in dispensing effective care to the students in an effort to assign duties effectively. Investing in staff and team trainings would consequently play an integral role in increasing the knowledge of the staffs on their roles. Lastly, it is important for me to consider improving my standards of care as detailed in the Green Bo...
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