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Schizophrenia Spectrum Case

Essay Instructions:

Case Study Mr. T is a 21-year-old man who is brought to the ER by his mother after he began talking about “aliens” who were trying to steal his soul. Mr. T reports that aliens left messages for him by arranging sticks outside his home and sometimes send thoughts into his mind.

On exam, he is guarded and often stops talking while in the middle of expressing a thought. Mr. T appears anxious and frequently scans the room for aliens, which he thinks may have followed him to the hospital. He denies any plan to harm himself but admits that the aliens sometimes want him to throw himself in front of a car, “as this will change the systems that belong under us.”

The patient’s mother reports that he began expressing these ideas a few months ago, but that they have become more severe in the last few weeks. She reports that during the past year, he has become isolated from his peers, frequently talks to himself, and has stopped going to community college. He has also spent most of his time reading science fiction books and creating devices that will prevent aliens from hurting him. She reports that she is concerned because the patient’s father, who left while the patient was a child, exhibited similar symptoms many years ago and has spent most of his life in a psychiatric hospital.

Questions: Remember to answer these questions from your textbooks and clinical guidelines to create your evidence-based treatment plan. At all times, explain your answers.

1. Summarize the clinical case including the significant subjective and objective data.

2. Generate a primary and two differential diagnoses. Use the DSM5 to support the assessment. Include the DSM5 and ICD 10 codes.

3. Discuss a pharmacological treatment would you prescribe? Use the clinical guidelines to support the rationale for this treatment.

4. Discuss non-pharmacological treatment would you prescribe? Use the clinical guidelines to support the rationale for this treatment.

5. Describe a health promotion intervention that would be appropriate for this patient.

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Schizophrenia Spectrum Case
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Schizophrenia Spectrum Case
1. Summarize the clinical case, including the significant subjective and objective data.The case is about Mr. T, and he is a 21-year-old male patient who has been exhibiting significant behavioral changes that prompted his mother to seek medical consultation. Mr. T believes that there are aliens who want to steal his soul. According to Mr. T, the aliens communicate with him by sending thoughts into his mind and/or leaving messages outside his home by arranging sticks. Mr. T reports that the aliens want him to harm himself by throwing himself in front of a car to "change the systems that belong under us," but he denies any plan actually to harm himself. During the assessment interview, his guarded and anxious behavior was evident. He seems to be scanning the room for the aliens because he believes that they might have followed him even in the hospital. His expression of thoughts and speech were also halted midway many times during the interview.
According to the patient's mother, this has heavily affected other parts of his life because he had become isolated from other people and had even stopped attending community college for the past year. Mr. T's frequency of talking to himself has also increased. He would rather spend time alone reading science fiction materials and inventing devices that will protect him from the said aliens. The patient's mother also identifies positive genetic/family history of psychiatric condition because the father of Mr. T exhibited similar symptoms and had to be admitted to a psychiatric hospital.
2. Generate a primary and two differential diagnoses. Use the DSM5 to support the assessment. Include the DSM5 and ICD 10 codes.
Primary Diagnosis
F20.9 Schizophrenia
Mr. T exhibits signs and symptoms of schizophrenia that align with the condition's diagnostic criteria. The persecutory delusions with his belief that the aliens are going after him to harm him. This is a common theme for individuals experiencing delusions. The kind of delusions that Mr. T believes are also classified as bizarre because of the "aliens" as it is not from everyday or ordinary life experiences. Another significant symptom that further supports the diagnosis of schizophrenia is the presence of hallucinations. Hallucinations are common in patients experiencing schizophrenia, and this can be seen with Mr. T because he perceives involuntary thoughts that are not triggered by external stimuli (McCutcheon, Marques, & Howes, 2020).
In addition to these, the disturbances had already affected other aspects of his life and his level of functioning. He had stopped going to community college because of his thoughts and beliefs involving aliens. His interpersonal relationships were also affected, and he had become more isolated from his peers. Based on the reports of his mother, the behavioral disturbance had already been going on for over a year with increasing severity, especially these past few weeks. Mr. T also has not experienced manic or depressive episodes during the active phase of his symptoms nor during the residual phase of the condition. There are also no known substance or other medical illnesses that may have caused the current condition of Mr. T. Autism spectrum disorder or a communication disorder during the childhood years of Mr. T was not found in the history taking.
Differential Diagnosis
F31.2 Bipolar I disorder with psychotic features
A condition that also presents with hallucinations and/or delusions is bipolar I disorder with psychosis. The psychosis features are evident in the case of Mr. T, and the gradual development of the signs and symptoms, which may last for months, also align with the diagnosis. However, the si...
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