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Same Education Everywhere in the United States

Essay Instructions:

I am creating a new law for Same education opportunities for everyone in the U.S meaning high and low income people should have the right to get the same education everywhere in the U.S all I need is the part below..

*Provide important information that will benefit this law.

As well as the references please.

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Same Education Everywhere in the United States
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Same Education Everywhere in the United States
Access to the same educational opportunities in the United States (US) has been a growing challenge over the last several decades. The educational attainment and achievement among students from different socio-economic backgrounds have been varying greatly, indicating a widening gap in the distribution of educational opportunities (Gamoran & Bruch, 2017). There is, therefore, a need to create a law that will close this gap by providing people from different socio-economic backgrounds, and more so those with income differences, access to the same education opportunities.
Also, the lack of the same education opportunities everywhere in the US threatens the future of children from low-income families. According to Bloome, Dyer, and Zhou (2018), educational inequalities contribute to income inequalities, and as more children continue receiving unequal educational opportunities, so will the intergenerational cycle of income inequalities continue. Children raised by high-income parents become high- income adults, and those from low-income parents sometimes become low-income adults. However, providing all children with the same education opportunities can break the cycle because even children from low-income families will have access to the same education as those from high-income families, thus leveling the playing field for when they become adults. Educational inequalities are experienced at all levels but are greater in higher education. Jackson and Holzman (2020), in a recent study, indicate that despite the US expanding college education within the last century, there has been inequality in attaining a college education. This inequality has increased concurrently with the college education expansion. Yet, higher education gives students a better chance of becoming successful adults. Thus, the law of the same education everywhere in the US should be created to remedy the current...
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