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2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
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Roles of Executive Branch

Essay Instructions:

Examine the role of the executive branch in healthcare policy. What is the current role that the executive plays? How has this role changed over time? Based on the current administration, how do you foresee new developments in the role of executive branch?

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Role of the Executive Branch in Healthcare Policy
The executive branch which is headed by the President of the United States has a vital role to play when it comes to the formulation and implementation of the healthcare policies (Barr, 2011). Healthcare in the US is affected by several players who have a role to play when it comes to the organization, financing and delivery of health care. The executive branch which includes the president as the head, the white house staff concerned with advising the president, administrative agencies including federals government departments and other governmental agencies all play a role when it comes to health care. These roles include the formulation of health care policies which are then taken to the congress for discussion, modification and approvals. Health care in the United States is administered through health care plans such as Medicare and Medicaid which provide health coverage and insurance for the Americans public (Rouse, 2010).
The Federal government’s Department of Health and Human Services is one the agencies that is concerned with the administration of healthcare programs. The department oversees the administration of the major healthcare programs in the US including the Medicare and Medicaid healthcare programs which cover the healthcare and health insurance for a large American public (Rouse, 2010). The department is also involved in the research projects for major diseases and co-ordinates the activities of the research institutions concerned in the health care sector. The executive branch through the powers of the president of the Federal Government is concerned with the formulation, and presenting the health laws and regulations to the congress for approvals after which the agencies oversee the implementations of the regulations. The White House staff which includes the president makes decisions on the health agenda and issues d...
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