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Reading Reflection: Role of Culture in Weight-loss interventions for the Hispanic population

Essay Instructions:

Read the following articles, which can be accessed in the Trident library:

Purcell, N., & Cutchen, L. (2013). Diabetes self-management education for African Americans: Using the PEN-3 model to assess needs. American Journal of Health Education, 44(4), 203-212.

Lindberg, N. M., Stevens, V. J., & Halperin, R. O. (2013). Weight-loss interventions for Hispanic populations: The role of culture. Journal of Obesity, 2013, 542736.

Choose ONE of the articles’ topics to focus on for the rest of the SLP. You will use the information in the selected publication as you go through the phases of applying the PEN-3 model to develop a hypothetical health education program.

Write a three-page paper that includes the following:

Provide a brief overview of the health issue among the population in the article selected above, statistics about the scope of the problem, and its implications for health.

You may consider selecting one of the Module readings:

Whembolua, Conserve & Tshiswaka, 2015: Selected population is African Americans, and the Health issue is Diabetes; or

Shahbazi, Ghofranipour, Amiri & Rajab, 2018: Selected Population is Hispanics, and the Health issue is Obesity.

Describe the Cultural Identity of the population. Specifically address how each of the PEN-3 model’s three factors within Cultural Identity applies to the chosen population and provide examples. Use subheadings to clearly show that you have addressed each of the three factors. For instance, for the Whembolua, Conserve & Tshiswaka, 2015 article:

Person – Describe cultural values, beliefs, attitudes unique to African Americans and how these individual characteristics relate to individual health seeking behavior

Extended Family – Describe the role of the extended family in health decision making, cultural beliefs on health and illnesses etc.

Neighborhood – Describe the role of community influence on health behaviors, community support structures, if any etc.

Support your discussion with references from scholarly and professional references (not just your opinion).

Reflect on the required readings, the article you choose for this assignment, and your own beliefs. Then, briefly describe how culture influences health care and what you learned that could help you effectively interact with diverse cultures in the health care setting.

Length: 3 pages, excluding the cover page and the reference list.

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Reading Reflection
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Role of Culture in Weight-loss interventions for the Hispanic population
Hispanic people have been ranked as the second-highest population with obese and overweight individuals in America. Over 60% of Hispanics are either overweight or obese. About 78.8 percent of Hispanic women are overweight than non-Hispanic women (Shahbazi et al., 2018). Also, Hispanics are 1.2 times more prone to obesity compared to non-Hispanic whites. The prevalence of obesity among Hispanics remains high due to their cultural beliefs and diet. The prevalence can be linked to lifestyle among the children, categorized as a combination of obesogenic and protective behaviors. The majority of children below the age of 6, especially those born by foreign parents, tend to consume more sugared beverages and engage in less physical activities compared to those children of US-born parents who spend less time on television.
Food and physical activities play a crucial role in the rising number of obese individuals amongst the Hispanics. The majority of Hispanic children enjoy snacking and consuming unhealthy drinks (Shahbazi et al., 2018). The trend can be eliminated by encouraging the Hispanics to incorporate rules to consume healthy foods and destroy snacks and beverages. Also, health care practitioners can increase access to health resources on obesity and promote physical exercise among the Hispanics. Cultural competence is also crucial in designing intervention programs for the community. The role of genetics should also be incorporated in understanding the root cause of obesity among Latinos (Eldridge et al., 2016). The most implicated genetic factor is MC4R, which codes for the Melanocortin 4 receptor. The gene factor changes affect its functioning and are generally found in about 5% of obese individuals. Specific genes may contribute to an individual’s susceptibility to weight gain and obesity in the end. Individuals with particular genes should consider consuming healthy foods and frequent physical exercise to avoid obesity.
According to Lindberg, Stevens, and Halperin (2013), various interventions can curb obesity and weight issues among the Hispanic population. The article highlights several cultural concepts, such as the relationship between culture and diet, which can address the detrimental consequences of obesity. The consequences include reduced life expectancy, increased mortality rates, and increased cardiovascular disorders and deaths. The use of a weight-loss intervention for the community has been less successful among Hispanics due to their education level, reluctance on health programs, and perplexing effects of ethnicity and SES. Also, the Hispanics value certain foods and behaviors which predispose them to overweight and obesity. The food and their behavioral strategies are tied to social and cultural dynamics amongst the population. To curb the pr...
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