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Role of the Dental Hygienist in Placing Dental Sealant

Essay Instructions:

Value papers are to be 2-3 pages in length, APA format, double spaced and include an introduction, a body that debates and presents both sides of the value, and a student’s conclusion as to how they stand on the topic. Pro and con on placement of sealants. Need to have find research to support the pro and cons of dental hygienist in placing dental sealant with an aid of technology in his/her dental hygiene practice.

Minimum of 5 references that are peer-reviewed.

Value Paper # 1 topic:
Discuss the role of the dental hygienist in placing dental sealant with an aid of technology in his/her dental hygiene practice. Is performing dental sealant a necessary practice for patient care? Why or Why not?

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DHYG 482 Advanced Topics
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DHYG 482 Advanced Topics
Prevention is the cornerstone of containing dental diseases, and several significant developments have been made over the years to manage tooth decay. Besides the introduction of topical fluorides in the 1940s to prevent tooth loss, the other significant development in the clinical practice of dentistry was the inception of pit and fissure sealants in the 1960s as a way of protecting the enamel structure from cariogenic bacteria found in saliva (Asawa et al., 2014). Nearly all dental caries occurs in the occlusal surfaces of the posterior teeth pits, where it is easier for cariogenic bacteria to accumulate. Dental sealants are the most popular method of preventing dental carries in developmental pit and fissure areas. They create a protective barrier that prevents bacteria that cause the cariogenic process from accumulating.
Dental caries is a multifactorial dental disease caused mainly by sugar fermentation by lactobacilli and streptococci bacteria in the oral cavity. They are a huge public health problem that results in extensive tooth damage and several morbid disorders of the oral cavity. In today's society, where most foods are inundated with sugary compounds, especially among children's dietary intake, the risk of dental caries is high. Young children lack the dexterity to brush their teeth often and adequately brush their teeth hurriedly, thereby failing to adequately clean the less accessible regions of their teeth, especially the molars.
Children are the biggest at-risk population because, in addition to their oral hygiene inadequacy, the sugars in their snacks often cause acid attacks that bring about cavities on the first molars. Sealants are, therefore, an effective way of protecting children's teeth until they learn proper brushing techniques and healthy eating habits (Griffin et al., 2017). However, dental caries is not restricted to children but also occur among adults whose oral hygiene is less than optimal.
Dental sealants are a form of liquid resin or plastic that are introduced on the occlusal pits and fissures of caries-susceptible teeth. Upon application, the sealants harden and form a micro mechanically bond with the teeth to form a protective layer. The most significant advantage of dental sealants is their effectiveness in protecting the occlusal surfaces from cavities and decay. According to the American Dental Association (ADA), sealants reduce the risk of dental caries by up to 80%. Therefore, they are an effective intervention in protecting caries-vulnerable sites of teeth, especially occlusal surfaces (Ahovuo-Saloranta et al., 2013).
However, the dentist must ensure no decays on the pits and fissures of posterior teeth before applying the sealant to prevent further dental complications. They are also reasonably easy to apply: dental sealants are a quick and painless way of preventing dental diseases. Dental paranoia is widespread among children, and therefore dental sealants, which do not require any drilling or filing procedure, are a convenient way of protecting against tooth loss. The process of applying dental sealants on the ocular surface using a straw-shaped dispenser ...
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