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Role & Function for the Grandparent Within the Family

Essay Instructions:


On completion of this paper, the student will be able to:

Describe the role for the grandparent or aged person within the family.

Describe the role and function of the grandparent within the family of various cultures.

Identify nursing interventions with grandparents regarding possible hospitalization of children.

Identify contributions by the grandparent or other aged person, to the care of children in hospitals, schools, and the community.

Use APA format and utilize the internet to reference your paper.

19/25 points required to pass

Submit the paper to the instructor by the 2nd week.

Completion:  Answer each question in order, using paragraph form, and number each section.

  1. Describe the role of the grandparent or aged person within the family, regarding discipline, reward/nurturing, folklore of the culture, traditions, and other child-rearing issues. (internet reference) 5pts
  2. Describe the roles and functions of the grandparent within a selected culture, or your own culture. (internet reference) 5pts
  3. Review your own grandparents’ relationship with you and your family.  Briefly state one positive and one negative example of their interactions with you.  What changes will you make with your grandchildren? 5pts
  4. Identify nursing interventions with grandparents regarding preparation for procedures and caring for the hospitalized child. 5pts
  5. Describe contributions of the aged person toward enrichment of children’s well-being in the hospital, at school, and in the community. 5pts
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Role and Function for the Grandparent within the Family
Researchers, while examining the roles of family members have portrayed a bias by not adequately giving attention to grandparent’s contribution in a family. The approach is premised on the assumption that the elderly are always in need for support from other family members (Butterfill, 2002). Contrary to that, elderly people are vital to the survival and welfare of their families (Butterfill, 2002).This paper examines the contributions of grandparents within the family setup in Indonesia.
Indonesia provides a good case for a study on the role of elderly people in family support systems (Butterfill, 2002). According to Butterfill, the notion that the elderly are not active is misplaced since many are economically active and independent. The role of grandparents in the family can be material or practical. Butterfill notes that, in Indonesia, the grandparents assist with childcare and domestic tasks which makes them a central pillar of multigenerational families. To satisfactorily examine the role of elderly in Indonesia, certain things must be appreciated. First, it is important to note that half of elders in Indonesia are in good health (Butterfill 2002); this means that they are independent since they are able to work and perform various tasks that require strength. Secondly, to remove the notion of dependency of elders, the author in his research found out that only one in ten of Indonesia elders are in poor health.
The first role of grandparents for a family is their involvement in grandchildren care. It can be divided into two; co-parenting and custodial roles. Grandparents have now assumed the roles of parents; the shift has made them custodial adults to their grandchildren (Marlatt, 2005). The involvement of grandparents in their grandchildren care according to Marlatt (2005) varies largely depending on individual, culture, economic and parents age factors. Custodial grand parenting role is assumed in certain circumstances, often when the parents are dead or due to other reasons (Marlatt 2005).
Co-parenting role happens when the grandparents’ house both grandchildren and their parents; this makes them partners in childrearing (Marlatt, 2005). Further, Butterfill (2002) notes that; grandparents not only support their own unmarried children, but also assume parenting responsibilities for grandchildren. Where the grandparents take up the role of childcare, it is an economic achievement to the parents since they can devote their time in other productive tasks (Butterfill, 2002).
This role has been criticized by various researchers in field of health and medicine due to its implications to the children of custodial parenting. Researchers have related custodial parenting as the leading cause of high rates of depression and presence of multiple chronic health problems such as hypertension and diabetes (Marlatt, 2005). According to the author, custodial grandparents also report higher level of distress, emotional problems, clinical depression and insomnia. In regards to nursing interventions, reports indicate that there is a tendency of grandparents in seeking psychological help for their grandchildren. This is as a result of problems occasioned by custodial parenting.
The interventions according to Marlatt (20...
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