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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Role Clarity for a Registered Practical Nurse

Essay Instructions:

Working together as an interprofessional team, improves the quality of care and client outcomes (Kozier et al. 2010). Before this can happen, nurses must know who they are and what responsibilities they have in client care. Role clarity is knowing your role and what contribution you make to the interprofessional team.

Intraprofessional means within the same profession. In Ontario, nursing is one profession with two categories: Registered Nurses (RNs) and Registered Practical Nurses (RPNs) (College of Nurses of Ontario). This assignment will provide an opportunity to explore the role of the nurse an RPN and the legislative standards that define those responsibilities.

Criteria for this assignment:
Regulated Health Professional:
• What does it mean to be a Regulated Health Professional
• Why is regulation important in health care
• What does it means to be in a self-regulating profession, connect this to nursing.
• Explain the purpose and importance of registration for nurses
• Explain the College of Nurses Practice Standards and their significance to an RPN

Role of the Registered Practical Nurse:
• Explore ONE RPN role in detail to write about.
• You can consider any RPN role, some which you may consider include:
Palliative care, Medicine, Med-Surg, LTC, Geriatric, Homecare, Primary Care, Mental health
• Describe the role of this professional.
• What nursing services do they provide? Consider a comprehensive overview of what their role might look like on a given shift? What responsibilities would they have? How does this enhance health promotion and quality of life for clients?
• Define and discuss patient centred care. What does it mean to give “client-centered” care, and how would a nurse in this role demonstrate this principle?
• Discuss what entry level education and continuing education / training is required for this position.
• Employment
o Discuss what environments this nurse would work in?
o How much are they paid? Where does the funding come from?
• Intraprofessional / Interprofessional collaboration
In detail discuss collaboration, specifically, when and how this nurse might collaborate with other health team members.

Paper Expectations:
The assignment must:
o Be written in APA format with citations and references according to APA
o Have a title page, headers and page numbers
o Be in Ariel 12 font, double-spaced
o Be no more than 5 pages (not including cover or references). The paper will not be marked beyond the paper limits.
o Submitted electronically on the course shell.
o Turn-it-in enabled on shell.

See Student Handbook for regulations regarding late assignments.

-Use reliable references, this may mean doing some research to ensure what you are putting in your paper is accurate.
-Use Canadian references when you can. A lot of information across the border, does not apply here.
- Check each citation / reference to ensure it is APA.
- Use in text quotations, but be sure to follow up with your own discussion of the quotation.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Role Clarity Registered Practical Nurse
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Role Clarity Registered Practical Nurse
Regulated Health Professional (RHP)
In Canada, RHP is usually governed by the Health Profession Act and the Regulated Health Profession Act (RHPA, 19991). In particular, this legislative framework has introduced health regulatory colleges that regulate RHP to safeguard public well-being (Ontario Ministry of Health, 2018). The responsibility of health regulatory colleges is to ensure that RHPs offer proper health services professionally, ethically, and in a safe environment. These colleges set standards of practice for RHP and investigate complaints that might be raised against health professionals. The primary objective of RHP is to provide high-quality healthcare services to people. Since these individuals have acquired knowledge and skills, they ensure that sick people are treated well. In addition, they comply with set regulations and guidelines when helping sick people.
Regulation in the healthcare industry is vital since it protects the public from multiple health risks. There exist various regulatory agencies that protect people from being mistreated by rogue physicians. First, regulation ensures that only qualified healthcare providers are licensed to offer medical services to the public. That way, rogue physicians are restricted from acquiring licenses, which might jeopardize individuals' lives. Healthcare regulations are created and implemented at different levels of the government and by private organizations. Healthcare standards and regulations are crucial since they ensure that physicians and health organizations adhere to the set regulations so that they can offer proper medical services to people who access the healthcare system. Most importantly, the medical regulatory bodies monitor healthcare professionals and facilities, ensure quality services and legal compliance, foster safety, and offer relevant information about the changes in the healthcare sector.
The primary objective of regulation is to make sure that healthcare providers can practice in a competent, ethical, and safe environment. In that light, self-regulation depicts that the government has given specific professional groups, such as registered nurses, the responsibility and privilege to regulate and control themselves (College of Registered Nurses of Manitoba, 2018). Specifically, self-regulation acknowledges and recognizes that a particular profession has matured members and that they can control themselves for the best interest of the public. The self-regulating profession safeguards the public interest by coming up with standards of conduct and competency. Members that do not adhere to the set regulations are disciplined. In most cases, the specialized knowledge makes it impractical and challenging for external agencies to regulate the nursing profession. As such, nurses are expected to act in the public's best interest and take care of their patients without harming them.
Without nurse registration, it means that anyone can practice as a caregiver regardless of whether one has acquired relevant training or not. Notably, the primary purpose of nurse registration is to control and regulate the nursing professional to protect the public from harm that might emanate from rogue or unqualified healthcare providers (Shepherd, 2019). Additionally, the importance of registering nurses is to regulate the quality of medical services. Besides, caregivers are registered after training when they acquire proper knowledge and skills. That way, it means that they are competent in treating or taking care of their patients. The other advantage of nurse registration is to reduce the risk of patient exploitation from poor working conditions and low pay.
The College of Nurses Practice Standards is essential since it outlines registered practice nurses' (RPN) expectations when it comes to protecting the public well-being. For instance, they remind nurses about their responsibilities and accountabilities. The standards usually apply to all caregivers regardless of their field of practice, job descriptions, and roles. The College of Nurses Practice Standards is vital for RPNs since it controls their registration. For example, the agency enables RPNs to know their job responsibilities, duties, and how to make ethical and safe decisions. Even after successful registration, nurses need to be reminded about the significance of providing high-quality medical services and how to update their knowledge and skills. That way, these professionals remain highly competitive, and they meet patients' needs.
The Role of the Registered Practical Nurse
The primary role of palliative care is taking care of patients with chronic diseases or those nearing the end of their lives and their families. In other ...
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