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RN-BSN Program Outcomes

Essay Instructions:

Capstone Program Outcomes Paper:

The paper will be 5 - 10 pages. Remember APA format and references. You will discuss how you met the RN-BSN program outcomes. You must discuss one or more courses, course objectives, content topics or assignments for each program outcome. You must include acknowledgement for all the courses within your paper. (example: program outcome 1, you may discuss your general electives and NSG 300; program outcome #2 you may discuss NURS 302 and 401; program outcome # 5 you might discuss the leadership course and how you will implement leadership styles.) This is entirely up to you.

RN-BSN Program Objectives:

Upon successful completion of the program of study, it is expected that the graduate will:

1. Synthesize knowledge from the humanities, sciences, and nursing as a basis for making decisions in the practice of nursing.

2. Provide safe, quality patient centered care while integrating cultural competence and evidence-based practice.

3. Integrate knowledge and skills in informatics and patient care technology into the delivery of patient-centered care.

4. Examine the impact of socio-cultural, legal, economic, regulatory, and political factors influencing healthcare delivery and practice.

5. Demonstrate skills in leadership, quality improvement, and patient safety to provide high quality care within inter-professional teams.

6. Incorporate strategies to improve and promote individual, family, and population health in a variety of healthcare environments.

7. Demonstrate a commitment to professionalism, professional values, and lifelong learning.

Additional information

Classes taken: Nursing informatics, Cultural Diversity and Community Health Nursing, Holistic and Integrative Nursing Care, Evidence Based Practice, Pathophysiology/Pharmacology, Leadership Management, Ethical and Legal Aspects of Nursing, Health Assessment for RN's, and Transitioning to Professional Nursing

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Capstone Program Outcomes
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Capstone Program Outcomes
Program Outcome 1: Introduction
Capstone projects are designed to instill knowledge and skills that bear significance in the actual practice. Therefore, the outcomes of the project should steer prospects such as problem-solving techniques and critical thinking skills. The other aspects in which the projects put emphasis include skills in goal-setting, oral communication, teamwork, technological literacy, leadership, and self-sufficiency, among others. The RN-BSN program ranged through multiple aspects of skills and knowledge discussed in the outcomes below:
Program Outcome 2: Nursing Informatics
Technology is becoming a vital tool in contemporary healthcare practice. In the project, nursing informatics was discussed as the science and practice that integrates nursing, its knowledge with information and communication technologies (Black, 2019). The integration of nursing informatics in healthcare helps in achieving better patient outcomes. Nursing informatics is developing as healthcare that draws the industry closer to developments in information technology. Presently, multiple aspects of healthcare informatics include patient information analyses, diagnoses, communication, treatment, and care.
During the project, many aspects of nursing informatics were found to contribute to the overall relevance of technology in contemporary clinical settings. Nursing informatics’s key aspects discussed included telenursing, e-learning, intelligent systems, electronic patient records, information security, information science, computer science, and imaging informatics (Schober, 2016). The other prospects include information systems, human-computer interaction systems, decision support systems, and data recovery. All the above prospects of nursing informatics are geared towards efficient and better patient care. To be relevant in nursing informatics, practitioners must stay competent in multiple areas, including information skills, informatics knowledge, and basic computer skills. Advancements in nursing informatics should change the face of healthcare.
Program Outcome 3: Cultural Diversity and Community Health Nursing
Culture is an integral component of community health nursing as it defines individuals’ perceptions about various healthcare issues. Cultural sensitivity is vital to any nurse operating in a culturally diverse environment (Black, 2019). Nurses use cultural diversity and community health nursing knowledge to understand the number of variations among their patients. Culture dictates that patients cannot be accorded a similar approach/treatment. This class instilled a better understanding of cultural diversity and nurses’ skills to stay culturally sensitive in any community health situation. Some of the areas that the class focused on included management of health problems through a cultural perspective, where skills in cultural negotiation were addressed. The other areas of interest in this class included understanding the role of community nurses in improving health among culturally diverse individuals, health-related beliefs and practices, cross-cultural communication, and culture and socioeconomic factors. The outcomes defined the scope of cultural diversity and community health nursing.
Program Outcome 4: Holistic and Integrative Nursing Care
Nursing is changing to reflect the needs of the stakeholders. Traditionally, the essence of nursing was the whole person accommodating the spirit, mind, and body. However, scarcity of resources in healthcare has rendered nursing highly fragmented and destabilized. This class emphasized some of the ills that face contemporary nursing, including shortage of nurses, hierarchies, and bureaucracies that eliminate professionals from the point of care. The class introduced integrative care to address some of the challenges above by creating a person-centered and relationship-based framework (Schober, 2016). The integrative framework emphasizes the caregiver’s wellbeing while also addressing patient experience through satisfaction on quality. This class gave an insight into the number of changes that nursing and healthcare must adapt to match the needs they face.
Program Outcome 5: Evidence-Based Practice (EBP)
Healthcare professionals are encouraged to make the right decisions and achieve the best outcomes for their patients. EBP is a tool that helps with problem-solving in healthcare by incorporating evidence from professional expertise, patient values, preferences, and well-designed studies. In this class, the learners were introduced to the challenge of patient safety in clinical settings. As a registered nurse, it is essential to master the EBP...
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