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Risk Management Program Analysis - Assignment Part One

Essay Instructions:

For this assignment, you will research risk management programs for health care facilities or organizations. Review the criteria below in order to select an exemplar that applies to your current or anticipated professional arena. (Note: Select an example plan with sufficient data to be able to complete the assignment successfully.)
In a 1,000-1,250 word paper, provide an analysis that includes the following:
1.Brief summary description of the type of risk management plan you selected (new employee, specific audience, community-focused, etc.) and your rationale for selecting that example.
2.Description of the recommended administrative steps and processes in a typical health care organization risk management program contrasted with the administrative steps and processes you can identify in your selected example plan. (Note: Select an example plan with sufficient data to be able to complete the assignment successfully.)
3.Analyze the key agencies and organizations that regulate the administration of safe health care and the roles each play in the risk management oversight process.
4.Evaluation of the selected exemplar risk management plan regarding compliance with the American Society of Healthcare Risk Management (ASHRM) standards relevant to privacy, health care worker safety, and patient safety.
5.Proposed recommendations or changes you would make to your selected risk management program example to enhance, improve, or to secure compliance standards.
In addition to your textbook, you are required to support your analysis with a minimum of three peer-reviewed references.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
Please Note: Assignment will not be submitted to the faculty member until the "Submit" button under "Final Submission" is clicked.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Institutional Affiliation
Risk Management Plan
Stephen F. Austin State University recognizes that risks are inherent in all university operations. Moreover, risk must be managed in order for the college to fulfill its ethical and legal responsibility under the work health and safety regulations. The university is responsible of providing residents, staff, contractors, voluntary workers, and visitors with a safe and healthy environment. In addition, the university is required to ensure that the operations and activities of the institution do not put the local community or institution surroundings at risk of injury, illness, harm, or damage. The risk management plan focuses on the on employees and students.
Steps of Risk Management in Healthcare Organization
The risk management process of a healthcare organization follows five basic steps, including establishing the context, identifying risks, analyzing risks, evaluating risks, and managing risks. The Healthcare industry is considered as an essential sector that affects every living person. Given this aspect, the quality of health care services offered within this industry is an important feature of the world’s health market competition, an element that denotes the need of incorporating adequate risk management procedures(Allen, et al. 2015). The inclusion of Total Quality Management (TQM) plays a significant role in promising better outcomes within the health care industry. Learning from medical mistakes is an aspect that is acceptable in health care institutions.
Errors in reporting are currently a vital component in the development of safety programs. Within health care organizations, physicians are considered as unenthusiastic in engaging in patient safety procedures and in being open about the errors since they believe they may engage in these acts without guarantee of legal protection(Allen, et al. 2015). However, having an appropriate risk management approach in health care organizations prevents human errors from reaching the patients. This, therefore, necessitates the need to understand the root causes of these errors, an aspect that requires proper knowledge.
The role of incorporating TQM programs within a health organization is primarily directed towards managing the potential risks that an organization is likely to encounter, hence reducing costs and improving the organization's customer satisfaction. This goal is achievable when quality improvement approaches are incorporated in the delivery of health care services among care professionals who are driven towards striving for constant improvements in the development of care standards(Verbano & Venturini, 2011). Through this, the care providers are in a position to foster a culture that embraces the management of risks through the inclusion of evidence-based technology in the process of care. Regular training on the improvement of patient care, communication skills, and styles including the incorporation of teams remains an effectual element in achieving this goal.
The prevention of complications in the process of care and providing support to patients necessitates the need to combine several disciplines including the incorporation of multidisciplinary science in promoting wellness and maintaining health care. In this case, health care organizations incorporate the use of case management and performance improvement risk management procedures as an efficient approach to resolving the risks related to performance in their process of care(Verbano & Venturini, 2011). In creating these competencies, the implementation of specific tasks that include recording and evaluations and training is of importance.
The care management team of a health organization, therefore, needs to collaborate in processes of planning, assessing, monitoring, and evaluating the process of care in a bid to establish the risks that are likely to accrue in care(Ivanyos, & Sándor-Kriszt, 2016). Performance improvement risk management approaches, therefore, incorporates strategies that utilize systematic methodologies in investigating the root causes of issues that affect healthcare organizations that influence performance, an aspect that is followed by the implementation of effective plans and interventions that address the particular performance challenges.
The inclusion of proper reporting systems used in performance improvement within health care institutions denotes the continuous approaches directed towards quality management monitoring, thus providing a decisive advantage in the monitoring of health problems(Ivanyos, & Sándor-Kriszt, 2016). Through an ongoing quality management and monitoring plan, health care organizations are in a position to report systems that identify the causes of failure in the implementation of these approaches in providing guidance in quality improvements. The appropriate approaches a health care organization can deploy the performance improvement risk management approach includes:
Establishingthe Context of Risks
Context is essential in risk identification and management. Healthcare organizations have various areas thatpossess high risk(Ivanyos, & Sándor-Kriszt, 2016). For instance, areas including intensive care unit, operation room, emergency room, blood transfusion services, coronary care unit, medication management, and medication administration are contextually high priority areas for risk management in regards to patient care.
Identifyingthe Prevalent Risks
In risk identification step the healthcare professional and the healthcare employees become aware of the risks in the health care services and environment. The risks identified are entered in the risk register(Ivanyos, & Sándor-Kriszt, 2016). The healthcare organizations employ various ways to identify risks, such as discussion with department chiefs, managers and staff, retrospective screening of patient records, healthca...
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