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Essay Instructions:

You should following the APA style that include a 'abstract', and use a hook at the beginning of article.

The topic is choose by self, if you are not good at this topic "EXPLAIN AND EVALUATE THE RISK FACTOR OF OBESITY", you can choose something that you like.

Must be professional, use quotes.

I will upload a sample and you can look how to write, but do not copy anything from sample, thanks!

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Risk Factor of Obesity
Institutional Affiliation
Obesity is a big nutritional problem that faces the developed and the developing countries alike. Today, the percentage of the global population that has obesity is alarmingly high. Obesity is taken to mean accumulation of fats in excess to the extent that they affect the health of an individual. The purpose of this report is to examine the risk factors of obesity and make people aware what they can suffer if they became obese. The results of the study showed that obesity has several risks related issues that need to be paid attention to and addressed effectively and in due time. Eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly are effective ways of combating the issue of obesity. People that work hard to reduce their weights are less likely to suffer from obesity related health issues compared to those that continuously gain weight.
The Risk Factor of Obesity
Food is important to the well-being of humans. Without it, people would not be able to survive for long. Food provides us with nutrients to keep our bodies healthy. Different people consume different types of foods. Consequently, the body of people is most of the times indicative of how well they watch what they eat. Other people have been able to consume healthy and well balanced meals and this has enabled them to have healthy bodies. Others have not been able to maintain healthy lifestyles and eat healthy meals and this has led to the accumulation of fats in their bodies. Consequently, they have been obese. Obesity is a serious health issue that has several risk factors and needs to be effectively addressed.
Early year’s obesity is a pointer towards an adult life morbidity and obesity. The risk factors of obesity vary among children and adults. Evidently, obesity has serious health consequences. One of the most serious risk factors of obesity is because it increases the probability of suffering from cardiovascular disease. “The obesity degree influences CVD prognosis and the time duration a person has had with obesity determines how fast they can be helped” (Ortega, Lavie& Blair, 2016). For this reason, the authors assert that it is important that obesity treatment, especially in young children, starts as early as possible. Any delay in treatment reduces how fast a person can be helped. Without paying proper attention, the suffering for families whose loved ones suffer from obesity and heart diseases can be enormous given the costs they might have to incur in attempts to combat obesity.
People with obesity also have a shorter life expectancy when compared with people that have normal weights. Their chances of dying prematurely are at 50% to 100% compared to healthy and normal weight people. “Being obese is likely to hasten mortality by a whopping 9 years”(Zheng, Tumin&Qian, 2013). The authors assert that as the “Body Mass Index” (BMI) increases, so does the risk of premature death. This is a problem and a trend that has been observed across the world. Premature deaths due to obesity, normally take place between the ages of 35-69. It is very difficult for a person that developed obesity at an early age to survive past the age of 69. Most people that become obese when they are children normally find it difficult to live past 40 years. Obesity has become one of the largest causes of premature deaths in North America and Europe. In Europe, 1 i...
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