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Response Discussion Summary: Racism and Ethnic Inequity

Essay Instructions:

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If you have read the book or seen the movie, "The Help" you can see a lot of what life was like before and during the Civil Rights Movement. Where do you see racial and ethnic equality today? (Ex., Try to imagine yourself on an airplane with a group of five or six young Middle Eastern men.) Do you think racism is as abundant today as 50-75 years ago?
Then my response: Racism and ethnic inequity has been a controversial issue in the United States, since colonial period and slave period. Human rights were granted unfairly among the citizens. Some group of people had access of quality education and granted voting rights and citizenship, while others endured seclusion and discrimination. The civil right movement aided in reducing the racial discrimination against black Americans and other races. However, racism and ethical discrimination has changed over the past years, a large number of Americans admit to have biased viewpoints against some races and ethnic groups. Racial discrimination against Middle Eastern people has existed for a long period f time; however, since the 9/11 attack racism has grown tremendously against people from the Middle East. The 9/11 attack was carried out by al-Qaeda group, whose members are derived from Middle East. The 9/11 attack is vivid on United States people mind such that when you board an aero plane with five or six young Middle Eastern men an individual might perceive them to be terrorist. Although, racial discrimination against the people of Middle Eastern had decreased, the 9/11 incident made American people to have biased viewpoints against Middle Eastern people.
Currently racism is not present as 70 years ago, since black people who suffered from racial discrimination gained same rights as white people, such as right to vote, visiting public locations and gaining access of quality education as white people. Moreover, organization and laws that are against racial discrimination have been formed to address racial and ethnic inequity. However, people still face racial discrimination, such as stereotyping of young black boys as dangerous and police killing of black people.
Now my peers response: Racism is an especially prominent topic in our society, especially lately considering current events. Undoubtedly, there are so many different groups of people who still experience the sting of those who judge solely on race. While I do believe (and hope) racism is less abundant than it was 50 years ago, it sadly is not completely gone. Thankfully, laws regarding race such as separate water fountains and bus seating have been abolished. However, even though the legal part has been greatly improved, it seems that from a societal standpoint we are still catching up. I think it’s inspiring when young parents talk about how their children truly do not notice race and simply see other children as themselves. That is a great hope for the future. I think it is important on a personal level to encourage others to respect everyone regardless of race or ethnic background because this can continue to grow from a personal conviction to a nationwide societal conviction.
What you write: Tell what you liked.agree with about my peers response to topic. Keeping in mind of my response to topic. 
Page 2: Write a 300 word summary of chapter 9 (in attachments) Make sure it is 300 words, please. 
Page 3. In America we are supposed to be a government of the people, by the people, for the people. Do you believe this is the type government we have today? Why or why not?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Discussion Questions
Page 1: Read topic:
The scourge of racism has been the Achilles heel that plagues optimum racial relations among the various racial and ethnic groups within the American population. While traditionally racism has been associated with those actions against the black community, currently, the tide has changed to racism and ethnic discrimination against people of Middle Eastern descent. While this continues to be a problem and is continually growing to epic proportions, racism against the black community still continues to present a challenge. Indeed, it is common today to see people avoiding associations with people from the Middle East as they consider them to be terrorists. This behavior puts a strain on racial relations and brings back efforts to provide and inclusive society that treats all races as equals.
I agree with the response from my peer that racism levels have dropped from the civil rights period of fifty years ago where black people had been racially segregated and could only sit on specific places in buses and could only associate with others of the same race. Additionally, the peer has pointed out an important fact that the laws that have been instituted have gone a long way in minimizing and in some cases even abolishing racially discriminatory practices. However, as they have rightly pointed out, while the laws have been instituted, still the society has not fully transformed into one that accepts the integration of all races. The problem currently with racial relations stems from the issue of terrorism where people from the Middle East are increasingly being associated with terrorist groups like the al-Qaeda and much recently, ISIS. However, it is important to note that the future of racial relations looks bright with little children, disregarding racial issues amongst themselves and perceiving each other as normal human beings. As the peer has rightly pointed out, the change towards a racially inclusive society begins with a personal conviction and gradually it will grow into a nationwide conviction.
Page 2: Write a 300 word summary of chapter 9 (in attachments) Make sure it is 300 words, please.
Government serves the people and is a tool through which the people can secure protection, get distribution of power as well as providing an avenue for equal trade opportunities. Therefore, the importance of government cannot be overstated and while the government cannot be a panacea for the problems of the people, the fact that it exists lends...
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