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2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Group Thinking and Brainstorming

Essay Instructions:


Initial Post

Write a post that is within the 200 - 250 word range and addresses the following items.

Discussion Questions

Reflect on your experiences working in teams as a nurse/employee or as a student.

Describe a situation when you experienced groupthink, while working in a team.

What factors led to groupthink in this situation?

How did groupthink influence the team's decisions?

What actions could you have taken to prevent groupthink?

What you've learned from this module and how you will apply it to your current/future nursing practice?


Response Post
Introduction/Application of the Literature

Search the literature for an article on one of the following topics: Problem Solving, or Brain-Storming, or Groupthink, or Design Thinking.

The article must be published in a peer-reviewed journal within the past 5 years.

The article may not be included in the required learning materials for this module.

Write a summary of the article for your peers by describing the key points the author(s) make and discussing how you will apply what you've learned from the article to your current/future nursing practice. The summary should be in the 200 - 250 word range.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Problem Solving
Student’s Name
Problem Solving
Initial post
My experience working as a team while interning as a nurse at a local hospital was great. I got to practically understand the importance of teamwork, especially when working in a multidisciplinary field like healthcare. The collaboration between other nurses, physicians, and specialists was important because it led to patient satisfaction, improved outcomes, and higher job satisfaction for me due to the high engagement with coworkers. I also developed good interpersonal communication skills during my time working at the hospital.
I experienced group thinking for the first time while interning at the hospital; the team conducted a meeting to decide what the team should do regarding a patient whose health worsened due to a misdiagnosis by a nurse. During the meeting, only two members came up with the decision on what to do. These two members dominated the meeting, and there was no room for others, including me, to express my thoughts and beliefs at that time. Conformity and compliance were great factors that led to group thinking in this situation. I changed my attitudes and behavior to fit into the group of professional healthcare; for the other members, the compliance factor played a role since they had to go with the voice of the dominant members; it was an indirect request to agree with the decision. Group thinking influenced the decision of the team because conformity always influences supreme (Hodges, 2017). The team made sacrifices to simply agree to the decision without voicing their beliefs to get along with the others and mai...
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