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2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
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Respiratory Control And Management Of Asthma

Essay Instructions:

• Instructions:

Please use Peer-reviewed articles and credible websites such as CDC, Mayo and any website with.edu. The article needs to be 5 years old (2014-2019).

• 2 pages (please make sure its 550 words of essay-please do not write a list. This is essay) Thanks

Instruction: answer these question in the essay from

1. Describe long-term control and quick-relief treatment options for asthma

2. Explain the impact of asthma drugs might have on patients.

3. What is the stepwise approach to asthma treatment and management?

4. How can patients gain and maintain control of asthma?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Asthma is a respiratory condition whereby the airways constrict and swell due to exposure to an irritant or an outdoor allergen. It causes chest tightness, labored breathing, coughing in the morning or at night and wheezing. Since asthma can’t be cured, quick relief and long term control treatment options are recommended to control and manage the symptoms. Common asthma triggers are tobacco smoke, pets, mold, dust mites, cold air and physical activity CITATION CDC18 \l 1033 (CDC, 2018). These triggers may also cause mucous to clog up the airways limiting breathing.
Quick relief is used to instantaneously alleviate the symptoms of an asthma attack. The medication, bronchodilators, quickly opens up swollen or clogged airways to ease breathing. It is a short term solution while control is sought after in the long run. Long term control helps reduce the frequency and severity of an asthma attack.
The asthma drugs routine depends on whether it’s for quick relief or for control. It should be noted that Long term control medication does not help in case of an asthma attack. As with all medication, the treatment may have some side effects due to overuse of the medications. Some of these include oral thrust, hoarseness, weight gain, rash, stomach upset, agitation and aggression CITATION MAY18 \l 1033 (MAYO CLINIC, 2018). There may also be headache, bronchitis, sinusitis and increased pressure in the eye (glaucoma). Inhaled steroids at low doses have few side effects. The impact of asthma drugs depend on symptoms, age and the asthma triggers. Some of these drugs include inhaled corticosteroids, Ipratropium, Albuterol, short and long acting beta agonists.
Management and treatment of asthma depend on a step-wise approach that is generalized into three stages that involve tracking the symptoms, keeping records of how well your lungs are doing and adjusting treatment according to an action plan devised in consultation with a healthca...
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