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Research Oriented Towards Understanding Atopic Dermatitis (Eczema)

Essay Instructions:

Choose one specific topic related to holistic nutrition. For example, you might choose a health condition such as heart disease or a particular nutrient. Using pubmed.com and/or Google Scholar, find two or three current scientific articles and/or peer-reviewed studies about your topic. Follow the instructions in the Internet Research Practical in Module One for instructions on how to apply "limits" in PubMed to locate free full-text papers.

Critically analyze the articles/research papers, and compare and contrast them. If you have any question about your topic—or problems locating suitable articles/research papers—please post a message on the discussion board or email your instructor directly for help. The written content of your Report should include:

A general introduction to your topic (why it's important and historical context)

A brief summary of each article/study, including their general methods and analysis (see What is Summary? for more information)

A comparison of the articles/studies: were they similar in their methods and analyses, their conclusions? (see Compare and Contrast for more information)

Analysis: give your opinion on the article/study. Were they well done, were the conclusions valid, how could they have been better? Do they make a useful contribution to the field of study? Be specific and include examples where appropriate.

References for all studies in a correctly formatted APA-style References page, including in-text citations

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Atopic dermatitis also referred to as eczema affects about a fifth of individuals during their life. However, the occurrence of this disease differs in various across regions as well as across ages. In industrialized states, the prevalence rate of eczema rose between the year 1950 and 2000 leading people to call the disease an allergic epidemic. Nevertheless, indications show that eczema symptoms in countries that formerly had a high prevalence rate have decreased significantly over the last few years (Aguilar, et al. 2017; Gieler, U. et al., 2017; Politiek, K. et al. 2016). Still, eczema remains a serious health problem more so in developing countries and among children which by extension has increased the interest of many researchers around the world. This paper examines three different research articles and their findings in relation to eczema.
One of the researches in eczema recently conducted by Politiekk, Oosterhaven, VermeulenndSchuttelaar (2017) in an article titled “Systematic review of cost-of-illness in hand eczema,” it is observed that the burden of the illness is high. On another note, observe that there is very little information regarding the socio-economic impact of eczema. In this qualitative descriptive study, the authors compares literature dating back to 2015 and uses Dutch consumer index to calculate the cost of hand eczema both in terms of individual bases and the economy as a whole. They found that the mean annual direct cost of the disease amounted to 3829 pounds while the indirect costs stood at 6846 pounds. In general the indirect costs amounted to 70 percent of the total costs largely because of absenteeism.
In their investigative report, Gieler and colleagues (2016), the authors used a survey involving 145 mothers to study the prevalence of atopic eczema among single parents. The authors note that the prevalence of the disease has increased over the last 2 decades as a result of psychosocial and genetic disposition factors. In children, stress found within the family and during their everyday life whether in school or among friends affect the condition of their skin. While the disease is not limited to children, the authors note that it is most observable among children mainly due to different type of stressors. This is more common among single parents where the factor of being a single mother was found to have a high correlation with atopic eczema.
On their part Aguilar and colleagues (2017) sought to investigate the mechanisms which explain the coexistence of eczema, asthma and rhinitis. In this case, the author investigated the factors leading to multimorbidity in allergic diseases. The authors employed a silico based-study that was fo...
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