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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Research Article for Evidence Based Practice Health, Medicine Essay

Essay Instructions:

1.)Download the required article for analysis:

Wu, S., Singh-Carlson, S., Odell, A., Reynolds, G., & Yuhua, S. (2016). Compassion fatigue, burnout, and compassion satisfaction among oncology nurses in the United States and Canada. Oncology Nursing Forum, 43(4), E161-E169. doi:10.1188/16.ONF.E161-E169

https://chamberlainuniversity(dot)idm(dot)oclc(dot)org/login?url=http://search(dot)ebscohost(dot)com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=c9h&AN=116230076&site=eds-live&scope=site (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

2.)Introduction (one paragraph): The introduction should be interesting and capture the reader's attention.

Provide a brief description of the research article to be discussed.

Discuss the purpose of your paper. The purpose statement of the paper should relate to the research article reviewed and the implications that it has to evidence based nursing practice.

You will need to summarize and analyze the information from the article in your own words

3.)Describe the research question for this study in a paragraph.

Describe the research in greater detail.

Include your observations about this question.

Discuss events or trends that could have affected this question.

You will need to summarize and analyze the information from the article in your own words

4.)Describe the research design of this study, and in your own words discuss the design.

Discuss the research design of the study.

Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the type of design and hypothesize why the author utilized the design as opposed to others.

You will need to summarize the information from the article in your own words

5.)Describe the sample.

Briefly describe the sample size used for this study

Make a judgment as to whether the sample size was adequate and defend your answer.

Describe the number or participants and determine if the number of participants was adequate compared to the research question and the intent of the study.

Are these numbers adequate? Discuss gaps in that you identified.

You will need to summarize and analyze the information from the article in your own words

6.)Describe the data collection method(s)'

Who collected the data?

What tools were used?

What were the ethical considerations addressed and discuss gaps you identified.

You will need to summarize and analyze the information from the article in your own words

7.)Describe the limitations of the study.

Identify the limitations within the study

Describe how the limitations could be overcome in subsequent studies

Comment on why limitations are important to list and discuss within a study

You will need to summarize and analyze the information from the article in your own words

8.)Describe the findings reported in the study.

Describe the findings reported in the study

Discuss whether the findings of the study answered the research question posed within the study

Discuss the credibility of the findings

If the findings do not support the research question posed within the study, what do you believe is the reason?

You will need to summarize and analyze the information from the article in your own words


Summarize important points from the body of your paper including the key components of the paper.

Include a statement about the research question and the findings.

Discuss the probability of implementation into practice. Based on these findings, is the evidence strong enough to suggest a change in practice, or an idea for practice?

End with a concluding statement.

10.)Citations and References must be included to support the information within each topic area. Refer to the APA manual, Chapter 7, for examples of proper reference format. In-text citations are to be noted for all information contained in your paper that is not your original idea or thought. Ask yourself, "How do I know this?" and then cite the source.

11.)Reference Page: The Reference Page should start on a new page (insert a page break). All references should be cited within the body of the paper as (Author, year) and the full reference should be included in APA format on the reference page. A url link alone is not an adequate reference. See the APA Guidelines in Course Resources for examples of properly formatted references.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Article Analysis
Student Name:
Course Title:
Article analysis is often performed in order to summarize the major points of the article. It is also done to analyze the evidence offered by the authors of the article and to reveal any flaws in that particular research article. The purpose of this paper is to provide a detailed analysis of the research article by Wu et al. (2016). The article being analyzed is important as it sheds light on the experiences of burnout, compassion satisfaction as well as compassion fatigue amongst oncology nursing staffs, and how these issues can be addressed in order to improve the satisfaction, well-being, and health of nurses in both Canada and America.
Research Questions
Given different healthcare systems and different organization of healthcare delivery, what is the connection between compassion satisfaction, burnout and compassion fatigue amongst oncology nursing staffs in America in comparison to those in Canada?
What work-related, health, personal and demographic traits contribute to the risk for burnout and compassion fatigue amongst oncology nursing staffs in America in comparison to oncology nursing staffs in Canada?
These research questions allowed the researchers to look into the oncology nurses’ experiences of compassion satisfaction, burnout, and compassion fatigue. They also effectively enabled them to recognize differences in the experiences of compassion satisfaction, burnout, as well as compassion fatigue between Canadian and American oncology nurses.
Research Design
The researchers employed a quantitative, non-experimental, descriptive research design. This study design was used primarily because it suited the utilization of quantitative questionnaire surveys in data collection. The strength of this study design is that it allows data to be collected from a large sample size, over 500 people, speedily unlike if interviews are used. Interviewing such a large number of people would have taken a longer period. However, the limitation of this study design is that the researchers cannot obtain detailed responses from the respondents regarding their experiences since they are limited to predetermined responses.
The Sample
The convenience sampling technique was utilized. The sample comprised a total of 549 practicing oncology nurses: 486 from the United States and 63 from Canada. Most of the respondents were married, aged 51-60, White females. The sample consisted of nurses who were members of the Oncology Nursing Society (ONS) and the Canadian Association of Nurses in Oncology (CANO). These nursing staffs were registered nurses with an active membership to the ONS or CANO. The sample size of 549 oncology nurses is adequate for this study as it is large enough to allow the findings to be generalized. Also, the use of the convenience sampling technique was appropriate as it allowed the researchers to effectively choose participants owing to their proximity to the researchers and their convenient accessibility. They were able to collect data from members of the ONS and CANO professional organizations who were conveniently available to take part in the study.
Data Collection Method
There were two tools for data collection that were used by the researchers to collect data. The first tool is the Professional Quality of Life (ProQOL) scale, fifth version. This too...
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