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Women's Reproductive Health: Female Infertility Research

Essay Instructions:

Grading Rubric: Reproductive Health
Women’s Health: Chapter 8 and 9
Your essay will be 2 complete pages in your original thought. Be aware that if your work is copied from another source, it is considered plagiarism and you will receive a zero. Please organize your paper to include a 12 font, double spaced format. Please provide 3 references at the end of your paper. Select one topic from the textbook from chapter 8 or 9. This topic will be either Infertility, Potential Problems with Pregnancy, Breastfeeding, Pre-pregnancy Planning, or Adoption. You will write about your chosen subject in detail, providing statistics which are associated with the chosen subject, how women are affected by your chosen subject, what health risks/ concerns/ mental stress/ and complications may occur with your subject. You will counsel a client coming to see you who has an issue with the chosen topic. What type of plan can you develop to help her be successful? Please provide how this subject made impact on you. You will also find 2 other research articles related to this subject from the online CSU library. 
Grading Criteria Maximum Points
Describes the health issue, concerns, risks and/or treatments 50 
Explains the plan outlined to help the client 15
Statistics regarding topic (example: % of moms breastfeeding 6
Describe the impact the subject had on you (at least 5 sentences with examples) 20
No grammar or spelling errors. Complete sentences 3 
Referenced at least 3 sources 6
• References will not be counted as part of the “written portion of the assignment” and will be listed on a separate page. Your written report will be 2 complete pages in length.
Textbook is contemporary women's health, fifth edition I believe the CRN is 978-0-07-802854-0
I am traveling out of state for 3 days and hope to come back on tuesday, so you might not get hold on me till then thanks

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Reproductive health
(Author’s name)
(Institutional Affiliation)
Female infertility is described as a case where a woman fails to get pregnant after a period of unprotected coitus. The condition is majorly a disease that affects the reproductive system and thus inhibits the ability of the body to reproduce. Infertility in women is an issue prevalent around the world. Although it is also common among men who experience low sperm count, women are the most affected. In the United States, approximately 10% of married couples are affected by infertility. Other studies shows about 6% of sexually active women between 16-44 years fail to conceive after a year of unprotected sex (Sekhon, Gupta, Kim & Agarwal, 2010). Based on research conducted by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) almost 1/3 of the infertility cases are linked to women. Several reasons cause infertility in women. Irregular ovulation is one of them and is responsible for about ¼ of all infertility problems among women. Nearly 90% of infertility cases are treatable either through surgery or medication (Greil, Slauson‐Blevins & McQuillan, 2010). The paper will discuss the issue of female infertility in greater detail and provide a plan to help women experiencing this problem.
Risk factors for female infertility
Several factors perpetuate the risk of infertility in women. These factors are also the same for men. The factors include age, smoking, substance abuse, obesity, and underweight. Age mostly affect women and rarely apply in men. This is because of the persistence decline of the quality and number of eggs that can be fertilized. Smoking is also one of the leading causes of infertility in women. Statistics indicates that over 70% of women who smoke have either had a miscarriage or have reduced chances of conceiving (Anderson, Nisenblat & Norman, 2010). Substance abuse among women has also been associated with female infertility. Women planning to get pregnant are advised to avoid alcohol. Finally, Being Overweight or underweight can perpetuate the risk of infertility among women since they both result in hormonal imbalances.
Psychological impact of female infertility
Infertility and its treatments often have psychological effects on most women. Some of the effects include stress, anxiety and depression (Anderson, Nisenblat & Norman, 2010). Several studies have found a high prevalence of psychological anguish among infertile women. These effects are often perpetuated by the society where infertile women...
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