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Discussion Board: replying to one of my classmates on a discussion board

Essay Instructions:

I am replying to one of my classmates on a discussion board. This was the original question: How can information technology be used to improve “population health” versus the health of one patient? Describe two examples. Here is the classmates response: Health information technology helps to reduce healthcare expenses, improve productivity, and increase patient care safety and quality (Yoder-Wise, 2015). There are many ways that technology can be used to improve the health of a population, as well as, the health of one patient. Improving population health could lead to increased collaboration between healthcare professionals. By improving collaboration between healthcare professionals, many things, such as vaccinations, can be better supervised. Population health can help show where certain serious epidemics can occur. One epidemic that comes to mind is the outbreak of Ebola. By using population health, we were able to see where the outbreak was prevalent and help warn people to protect themselves (Correa-De-Araujo, 2015). We were also able to gain information on who was the most susceptible and which treatments were beneficial. One example of how health information technology (HIT) can be used to improve population health is the use of the PCIP, or Primary Care Information Project. This use of technology is used to improve the availability of preventative care and improve the health of the residents in low-income neighborhoods (Summer, 2011). The PCIP has now extended to more than 2,500 primary care providers working in medically underserved settings (Summer, 2011). The PCIP is a great example because it helps characterize, monitor, and enhances the health department’s ability to diagnose and examine health problems, discrepancies, and health threats in the community (Summer, 2011). Many physicians are involved and they work together to improve the health of people in low-income neighborhoods across New York. As the PCIP has grown and more physicians participate, issues such as how data fields are set up, how data are reported and transmitted, and how measures are interpreted are being addressed. As you can see, the PCIP is benefitting communities as a whole, rather than just one individual. Another example of information technology improving population health is the Clinical Informatics to Promote Patient Safety (CLIPS) RFA. This association was formed to reduce medical errors and improve patient safety (Ortiz et al, 2012).This organization helps keep track of medical errors and educates healthcare professionals on the appropriate ways to administer medications. It also educates healthcare professionals on what to monitor for when some types of medical errors to occur (Vincent, 2014). This helps improve population health because it ties together many different areas and helps keep track of the errors. Using health information technology to promote population health helps improve patient safety and improves patient care quality. Information technology is undoubtedly very important to improving population health. Now I need to respond to her post with 300-500 words utilizing 3 sources one of which should be Leading and Managing in Nursing (Yoder-Wise, 2015). Please use sources that are no older than 5 years. This is important. Make sure no plagerism. Also keep this in simple terms. Write like you would be speaking with someone. Please try to use sources from scholarly journals or peers. I need an "A" paper! I am attaching the rubric.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Health Information Technology
Institution of Affiliation:
How Health Information Technology can be used to improve 'Population Health' versus the health of one patient
Reading through your post I come to the agreement that indeed and to a greater extent Health Information Technology (HIT) has improved healthcare to both individual patients and the whole population, by bettering and making healthcare accessible. This is due to vast articles and sources that can help in medical researches and studies. The internet has played a great role in offering information concerning certain diseases, epidemics and contagious diseases that have spread through distinct populations. The NSF (2006) says that the benefits of health research outweigh harmful results. A vast population of Americans values research; thereby technology has brought it right up their doorsteps through blogs, websites and video-casting. Yoder-wise (2015) acknowledges that technology has increased patient care safety, where people are warned earlier on an outbreak and take the necessary precautions. In addition to the Ebola outbreak as you have mentioned in your post, there is also the epidemic of Zika virus in South America, in which the population was informed in advance thereby helping avoiding mosquito bites. Spraying of insecticides, use of mosquito nets and indulging in protected sex have played a significant role in upholding the spread of this neurological virus. Another idea is that of Google; the internet search giant trying to help UNICEF map out the areas the virus has spread (CBS, 2016).
Indeed the Primary Care Information Project (PCIP) has impacted the healthcare greatly. Another ideal example is the Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) whose impact is similarly equal and essential just like the PCIP. The PCMH is a promising model of online care with aims of strengthening healthcare foundation primarily by reorganizing how the care is provided by primary care practitioners (Fiscella & Geiger, 2006). This model requires specific changes where the adoption of HIT is needed to connect its patients with the service care providers and also for both internal processes. Patients may be visiting virtual care facilities online thereby saving time and energy used during attendance of services. ...
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