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Rehabilitation Case Management (RCM) and Cardiac Rehabilitation

Essay Instructions:

1. Explore and research knowledge of Case Management including intervention techniques, major concepts and theories in cardiac rehabilitation, which can be applied to health and human service settings to assist clients who require care in Cardac Rehabilitation 

Introduction: what is the background to the topic and why has it been chosen? 200words

2. A brief overview of Rehabilitation Case Management and how it applies to the context of your chosen health setting. 200 words

3. Critically examine (i.e., more than just describe) the role of a Case Manager and the Case Management approach in your chosen area. How does Case Management in this health setting facilitate rehabilitation outcomes for clients? 500-600 words

4. A discussion of current research (i.e., approximately 10-15 years old) which examines the role of a Case Manager in your chosen area. 400 words

5. Factors that may warrant further investigation in your chosen health setting. 200 words

6. Conclusion.

In addition, the reference list should be in APA style

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Case Management in Cardiac Rehabilitation



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Taylor et al. (2022) defines cardiac rehabilitation (CR) as a multi-disciplinary approach which aims to improve cardiovascular health and promote longevity and health statuses of patients being treated or who are in post-treatment for heart conditions. The approach involves counselling on dietary practices, psychological interventions, and a physical activity plan. It also includes management for the patients’ medication intake. According to Micklewright et al. (2016), case management in CR is essential in ensuring that patients with heart diseases and conditions receive care that is coordinated and comprehensive. Case managers usually facilitate care delivery to patients in CR (Taylor et al., 2022).

The topic has been chosen to look into the case manager’s role of optimizing and enhancing patient-centered care. Patient-centered care is the epitome of quality care, which prioritizes the unique needs and preferences for each patient. Case managers interact with patients and get to understand them and their cardiac conditions. By gaining this understanding, they are able to design interventions that align with the direct needs of the patients. The topic also aims to understand how the process facilitates rehabilitation outcomes. The role of case management influences patients’ adherence to treatments, improves the quality of life for all patients, and reduces hospital readmissions. Therefore, case management facilitates positive rehabilitation outcomes.

Overview of Rehabilitation Case Management (RCM) and Cardiac Rehabilitation

RCM plays a key role in assisting patients suffering from heart diseases to regain functionality in CR. RCM in cardiac rehabilitation includes several processes and services. These are assessment, care coordination, care planning, education, monitoring, advocacy, and psychosocial support.

Assessment entails an examination of patients' medical statuses. Here, case managers assess the patient's history and current medical condition. They also assess their rehabilitation needs, including their psychological and social condition (Hughes et al., 2020). Coordination of care entails ensuring cohesiveness in the administration of healthcare services. Here, the case manager liaises with healthcare providers, including therapists, to ensure that all support and healthcare services are offered cohesively. Care planning entails coming up with individual care plans, where case managers incorporate various changes in line with the recommended healthcare modifications (Micklewright et al., 2016). These changes may relate to dietary modifications, lifestyle modifications, and physical exercise (Aspry et al., 2018). In education, case managers offer comprehensive knowledge to patients on various aspects of cardiac health, including managing

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