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Cultural Competence: Registered Professional Nurse Responsibility Paper

Essay Instructions:

Hello, I like to know that this paper is going to be an original paper and not someone else's. This are the exact instructions given.

Using APA format, write a six (6) to ten (10) page paper (excludes cover and reference page) that examines culturally sensitive nursing care. The paper consists of two (2) parts and must be submitted by the close of week six (6).

A minimum of three (3) current professional references must be provided. Current references include professional publications and valid websites dated within five (5) years. Additionally, a textbook that is no more than one (1) edition old may be used.

Part 1 – Introduction

Address the following:

Using your own words, define culturally competent nursing care. Support your definition with a professional literature citation.

Identify four (4) guidelines the registered professional nurse may use to enhance the ability to provide culturally competent nursing care. Provide one example the culturally competent nurse applies to each of the four (4) selected guidelines. At least one example must address care of patient(s) not occurring in an acute care hospital.

Describe how the registered professional nurse evaluates if the patient’s cultural needs have been met.

Describe whether cultural practices must be accommodated in all aspects of health care. Provide a specific example and rationale to support your response.

Part 2- Demonstrating Culturally Competent Nursing Care

Address the following:

Select one of the following cultures and focus on the direct caregiving role of the RN at the bedside:


Native American


Select four (4) cultural features, associated with the selected culture that influence the provision of nursing care for patients with chronic illness and at the end of their lives. Describe how the four (4) cultural features influence the provision of care to the patients. At least one (1) feature must address chronic illness and at least one (1) feature must address end of life care.

Provide a total of four (4) nursing interventions that demonstrate nursing care, which reflect the respect for the dignity and uniqueness of those cultural features for patients experiencing chronic illness (2 interventions) and at the end of their lives (2 interventions).

Compose your work using a word processor (or other software as appropriate) and save it frequently to your computer. Use a 12 font size, double space your work and use APA format for citations, references, and overall format. Information on how to use the Excelsior College Library to help you research and write your paper is available through the Library Help for AD Nursing Courses page. Assistance with APA format, grammar, and avoiding plagiarism is available for free through the Excelsior College Online Writing Lab (OWL). Be sure to check your work and correct any spelling or grammatical errors before you submit your assignment.

You are required to submit your paper to Turnitin (a plagiarism prevention service) prior to submitting the paper in the course submission area for grading. Access is provided by email to the email address on record in your MyExcelsior account during week 2 of the term. Once you submit your paper to Turnitin check your inbox in Turnitin for the results. After viewing your originality report correct the areas of your paper that warrant attention. You can re-submit your paper to Turnitin after 24-hours and continue to re-submit until the results are acceptable. Acceptable ranges include a cumulative total of less than 15% for your entire paper, and no particular area greater than 2% (excluding direct quotes and/or references).

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This activity will be assessed according to the NUR109 M6A3: Cultural Competence: Registered Professional Nurse Responsibility Paper Rubric.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Cultural Competence: Registered Professional Nurse Responsibility
Institutional; Affiliation;
It is essential to mention that the United States of America is turning into a more ethnical and racially diverse nation. Due to this factor, the health care systems that are available need to provide and respond to the varied needs, values, and behaviors of patients in a diverse manner that considers their well-being and health (Dudas, 2012).
Failing to understand and manage the cultural differences may result in serious health challenges especially for those who belong to minority groups. The field of cultural competence among registered professional nurses has emerged as an approach aimed at reducing the disparities that arise in patients accessing quality healthcare. This paper, therefore, aims at analyzing the cultural competencies among the registered professional nurses and their responsibilities.
Defining Cultural Competence
Cultural competency within the healthcare setting can be described as the ability of institutions in putting together systems aimed at providing care to patients with diverse practices including the capacity to develop a service provision methods designed to meet the patient’s cultural needs (Dudas, 2012). A culturally competent care is one that includes the initiation of knowledge, skills, and attitudes that are capable of supporting people from different cultures and languages. According to sources, cultural competence, therefore, remains the vehicle developed to proliferate access to quality healthcare services for different patients from diverse cultures and can be used as a corporate approach with the aim of attracting different and new patients within a medical facility.
Procedures the RN May Use to Enhance the Provision of Culturally Competent Nursing Care
Nursing care remains the essence of nursing, a factor that depicts the importance of health and healing, well-being, survival, growth and death in the provision of nursing services. Due to evolving cultural beliefs and practices, it is, therefore, necessary for nurses to acknowledge the diverse cultures. It is vital to point out that cultural care is a broad and holistic approach that guides nurses in caring for patients (Dudas, 2012).
Culture is a sensitive element in a patient's care since it enables the nurses in adhering to the specific ideals and beliefs including the ways of life of patients. This, therefore, ensures that nurses are well equipped with the assessment and analytical skills, the ability to plan, design and initiate including the evaluation of care for patients that represent variable cultural groups.
It is essential to incorporate an approach in which patients comply and corporate when treatment plans are integrated especially when they hold to different cultural beliefs and values. The development of a nursing intervention that is primarily based on cultural knowledge is essential in assisting patients and their families in adjusting easily and in assisting the nurses in effectively working with patients irrespective of their cultural backgrounds (Hart, & Mareno, 2014).
It is essential for nurses to consider having an understanding of the special health concerns that affect the Hispanics including their unique believes in health and their reliance to folk medicine. An instance of this can be seen in a Hispanic who only believes that managing diabetic issues requires the use of traditional medicines, a factor that may differ in the treatment methods. The essential guidelines that nurses may use in the provision of culturally competent care include;
1 It is first essential to be self-aware in knowing the behaviors and views of an individual and determine how they are impacted by culture. An instance of this can be experienced when the caregiver appreciates the dynamics of a patient’s cultural beliefs and practices and responds to some of the misconceptions (Hart, & Mareno, 2014). Through this, the nurses are required to understand their patient and their cultural value systems and religions a factor that assists in the determination of their degree of compliance.
2 Skill; The nurses need the necessary skills in conducting cultural assessments in a profound way (Hart, & Mareno, 2014). An RN may consider responding to the patient’s particular needs. An instance of this may be the consideration of the patient’s food preference, gender of health care providers, visitors, gender roles, rituals, medical preferences, communication approaches, eye contact, alternative therapies, prayer, decision-making and authority and lastly their beliefs and views on tissues or organ donation.
3 Knowledge: The registered nurses are required to develop broad approaches with regards to the different views of patients in accommodating their various cultural views. In this, the nurses may use therapeutic communication skills in the performance of a culturally competent patient assessment. This, therefore, involves the recognition, response and respect to clinical cues (Hart, & Mareno, 2014). When a nurse understands the cultural significance of such cues, they are in a position of adjusting in the provision of care efficiently. This includes paying attention and giving attention to what the patient says and asking the right questions. An illustration of this can be noted in a patient who denies pain and chooses to demonstrate this on a clenched tooth and distressed facial expression.
4 The Encounter: In this, nurses should get exposed to patients from diverse cultures in the provision of efficient care that are congruent with their cultural systems. It is significant that nurses also provide a cultural based physical assessment in a manner that considers biological variations in the patient’s skin, body structure, pain and discomfort, lab results and hair and skin characteristics (Hart, & Mareno, 2014). This is visible in the way in which patients demonstrate pain, a factor that denotes pain is culturally related.
Evaluating if the Patient’s Cultural Needs Have Been Met
Patient satisfaction is immensely related to the approach in which health care needs are met within a health facility. It is vital to mention that evaluating the extent to which a patient is contented with the provision of care offered culturally is pertinent especially in the fact that content patients comply to their treatments, adhere to the continuity in visiting the medical facility and staying with a health provider, their active roles in providing care on their own, and maintaining a specific system (Hicks, 2012). The registered nurses can also measure if the cultural needs of patients are met through the initiation of surveys that identify the areas they find satisfactions and the areas that need improvement.
Cultural Practices Accommodated in all Aspects of Health Care
The incorporation of cultural practices within the all aspects of healthcare system remains an essential factor in healthcare today. This can be validated by the fact that there is an increasing multicultural population in the Unites States of America, a factor that initiates a challenge to the nurses in providing individualized and holistic care to patients from various cultures (Hicks, 2012). It is, therefore, essential that all aspects of the healthcare system incorporate ...
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