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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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(October 08, 2012)
Communication forms a basis of understanding each other as it acts as an interaction between the two parties. This is because once the patient arrives at the health facility the medical staff must be able to connect to the patient and find out as fast as possible. This will include analyzing information, attitude and feelings and deriving at a response and assisting the patient in time. In fact, it will also involve exchange of facts, impressions, ideas, and feelings among the two parties so as to reach an understanding (Nakatani, 2006). This paper reflects on the importance of communication that I have identified and acquired enhanced knowledge on. It critically evaluates my reflection on my experience at QUT the role that communication plays.
I must confess that I have acquired more knowledge as a practicing nurse and with the experience it has taught me about the vital aspect of communication. Firstly, the collection of the patient’s information from the patient once he or she arrives at the health center is quite vital; this will help identify the patient and find the archive records if any. For instance when talking to Mr. Dwight one would get the records of the previous treatment and drugs administered. This is made possible through the record and database records that communicate more information about the patient (Casey & Wallis, 2011). The data and records would communicate the specific details such as medications, chronic illness if any, allergies, and the previous administration. I would also make out the recommendations and dosages of the patients and hence make professional decisions. Indeed, Mr Dwight was receiving 3% dextrose and 33%sodium chloride infusion and also having a continuous insulin infusion. The last blood glucose level was 22mmol/L but did not inform to the doctor to change the infusion rate.
The actual communication would not be well effective and effective if some factors were not managed; these included perceptions, emotions, knowledge, values, socio-cultural background, environment and the roles and relationships (Mascioli, et al. 2009). Clearing all perceptions and staying sober is a first step to ensuring people understanding each other; this means that no bad perception should be developed when dealing with patients. Avoiding a stern tone makes the patient feel comfortable and open up to the nurse and hence effective communication; additionally, avoid a don’t care attitude since the patient will fear and withhold information. This was during my first days at my simulation as I attended Mr Dwight.
Communication must come in when dealing with every patient; you must be able to get the clear and correct details of where he or she is suffering from. This was made more complicated when patients came in unconscious meaning that the time to diagnose the sickness is longer hence exposing the patient to more risk (Cynthia, 2001). This enhanced my professionalism as handling patients require to give adequate information to ensure they get adequate treatment.
The most important part when communicating is to ensure that all barriers are eliminated; these include physical, personal, background, environmental, psychological, and cultural barriers. Imagine a nurse using jargons while talking to a patient, he or she will just stare amazed with the language. Any barrier will act as an impediment to the quality health as there will be no effective passing of information (Edmondson, et al. 2001). It is important for the nurse to spend adequate time with the patient, this enhances communication as it gives them time to bond and connect hence effective communication. Through this they will share their problems and concerns and encouraging and advising them on the way forward. At all times I have learnt to be an effective communicator to ensure there is trust between me and the patient and that I provide professional fulfillment. In fact, it is the basis of a well laid relationship. This could be seen when I happened to notice that the N.G. tube has come out a lot and the tube was not attached firmly. A...
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