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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Reflection: Dental Hygiene

Essay Instructions:

I am a dental hygiene student. So i had a group project wereI had to wotrk in my purposeful group. My task was create a Case Study and complete 1 Patient care plan on a Caries patient who is at high or extreme caries risk using a fictional patient. ( which has already been completed) Now all i need to do is write a one page reflection on it. I will be adding the directions for the one page reflection. Please try to make up as much as you can and make it relatable to what I have told you about already.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Reflective Essay
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Professor’s Name
October 9, 2020
Understanding the importance of learning objectives in one’s career towards becoming a dental hygienist is important. This is because of the fact that such a job requires a great degree of technical and interpersonal skills to succeed. In this paper, I would like to reflect on one of the activities that we went through during our course discussion. Specifically, I would like to place a primary focus on some of the Course Learning Objectives (CLOs) that we discussed in class.
The task that we had to do during one of our practicums was to create a patient care plan for a patient that has a high or extreme risk of developing caries. In doing so, I initially started by looking at the patient’s demographic and personal information to determine his lifestyle. I realized that this was important (even though the patient is...
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