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Reflective Essay Based on Community of Inquiry (COI)

Essay Instructions:

Attached at the bottom of this is the grading rubric for this assignment. I am in a master of nursing program. All the students attended a week long orientation in kentucky, which we learned about COI or Community of Inquiry. We are supposed to provide a 2-3 APA reflective paper, based on our experience. Specifically, the paper needs to address how I feel differently about my approach to my education after learning about COI and after attending the week at orientation. COI integrates the concepts of Social presence, teaching presence and cognitive presence. 1. How do I feel differently? The orientation nurtured a sense of collaboration with the other students and instructors. As a group, we were able to come together, with people of like minds, to plan out this next chapter in our lives. Every single person spoke of their commitment to their passion of nurse midwifery and woman's health. I will certainly draw on their strength and insight during the next two years, while completing graduate school. I feel a part of something bigger now, not just my goals to complete graduate school. I feel differently after this experience, because I now see I am continuing the legacy of the woman who came before me. Which is amazing! 2. What is new about how I view my education at Frontier Nursing University? I was so impressed with the rich history and amazing legacy of the woman who are responsible for this institution. These ladies had a calling to support woman and their families at a time when resources were scarce, approx 1940s to present. Yet their convictions, made a meaningful difference in the lives and health of families in Kentucky. Personally, I am so proud to be able to share in this legacy and feel privileged to be educated on their philosophy of serving the underserved. 3. How did I arrive at this new perspective? Thru presence. By truly listening and being present with other students and instructors. Presence is an amazing gift, when Kitty Ernst was able to share her deep level of knowledge, not only in woman's health, but in the business of woman health. I was really able to appreciate the transforming role of nurse midwives today. The book, Wide Neighborhoods, was also very enlightening. The courage and strength depicted in this book of Mary Breckinridge was very humbling. With the abundance of resources at our fingertips today, there are no excuses to not reach out to our vulnerable communities and make a difference. 4. If what you learned about COI confirmed your approach to your education? Yes, COI and a week of orientation confirmed the process and identified ways of being successful. Being in community with other students and instructors, in a way that supports ideas, and respects differences was great. This ongoing learning process, supports the learner by engaging them in dialogue and uses the online environment to connect with others at the university. The process also acknowledges effective instruction based on student outcomes. The grading Rubric: Reflection I: Embarking on Your Education We all hope that you had a great week at Frontier Bound. You were told while you were there that you are to write a reflection about your experience. Here is the assignment: This reflection is to be completed after Frontier Bound as part of BT202 and assessed by faculty mentors. We expect that most students will score between Novice and Apprentice at this point in the process. As students progress through the curriculum, we expect the ability to reflect will improve to the proficient or distinguished level. This reflection consists of a personal response reflection. A personal response is a statement of your feelings and of your intellectual perspective. The personal response reflection may describe a change over time in your feelings and perspectives. Students should use these questions and suggestions to guide their Personal Response reflection: At Frontier Bound, you learned about the Community of Inquiry (teaching presence, social presence, and cognitive presence). Do you feel differently about the way you will approach your education at Frontier (a) as a result of what you learned about the COI and (b) as a result of your experience at Frontier Bound? Please address both A and B in your reflection. Please use the questions below to structure your reflection. How did this information or experience lead you to feel differently? What is new about how you view your education at Frontier? How did you arrive at this new perspective? If what you learned about the COI and/or your experience at FB confirmed your approach to your education, how did it confirm your approach? To read more about the Community of Inquiry (COI), review this PowerPointPreview the documentView in a new window. Rubric for Reflection I: Embarking on Your Education Criteria Distinguished Proficient Apprentice Novice Personal Response 50% The author provided an extensive description of her/his feelings about participation in the Community of Inquiry. The author provided an extensive description of her/his perspective on the COI. The author provided an advanced description of her/his feelings about participation in the Community of Inquiry. The author provided an advanced description of her/his perspective on the COI. The author provided a basic description of her/his feelings about participation in the Community of Inquiry. The author provided a basic description of her/his perspective on the COI. The author provided minimal description of her/his feelings about participation in the Community of Inquiry. The author provided a minimal description of her/his perspective on the COI. Effort and Scholarship 50% The reflection shows extensive writing skills. Ideas in the sentences flow smoothly and logically. Ideas are separated into appropriate paragraphs. Correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and syntax are used. APA standards (if applicable) are applied without errors. The reflection shows advanced writing skills. Ideas in the sentences flow smoothly and logically. Ideas are separated into appropriate paragraphs. A few minor errors of grammar, spelling, punctuation, and syntax occur. APA standards (if applicable) are applied with minor errors. The reflection shows basic writing skills. The organization of the ideas can be discerned, but with effort. Multiple errors of grammar, spelling, punctuation, and syntax occur. APA standards (if applicable) are applied with many errors. The reflection shows minimal writing skills. The organization of the ideas cannot be discerned. Multiple errors of grammar, spelling, punctuation, and syntax occur. APA standards (if applicable) are not applied. Self-Editing Strategies

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Reflective Essay based on COI
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Reflective Essay based on COI
1 How did this information or experience lead you to feel differently?
The orientation allowed me to develop the constructionism perspective since we shared information and knowledge with other students and instructors. We came together as a group of different people who have experienced life differently to share our experiences and see how they will influence our future practice. Every single member who attended the orientation shared their own experiences and understandings of the issues surrounding woman’s health as well as how they address them. From now on I will have to draw from their perspectives in my practice. I feel like I am a new person with different perspectives in the way I view not only my education but the whole profession and I think it is great.
2 What is new about how you view your education at Frontier?
I was intrigued with the history of the women who have been supporting this institution. The way they have been handling and supporting women with limited resources at their disposal. The women had to com...
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