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Reducing the Social Deviance Rates in America and its Elements

Essay Instructions:

You will need to do this before you continue with this Discussion Activity. This semester we have explored myriad forms of deviance: drug use, prostitution, corporate misconduct, sexual offenses, and family violence, to name a few
What we can probably conclude by these disparate behaviors, issues and perspectives is that deviance is often in the eye of the beholder. While one person might define the homeless as deviant, for example, many others might define a society that does not have enough safety nets for those in need thus allowing homelessness as deviant.
In the same vein, social control of “deviants” takes on many faces. Some of this social control is informal, while much of i t has been formalized, leading to an
explosion in regulations and prison populations. Given what you have learned about deviants, deviance, and social control throughout the semester, this Discussion Activity asks you to consider the relationship between deviance and social control. Instructions:
Please view the “U.S. Incarceration” found here: http://www(dot)voanews(dot)com/content/united-states-highest-incarceration-rate/2552320.html, and answer the following:
Discussion Questions:
If you were asked to build a better vision of social control–and, thereby, reduce deviance in American society–how would you do it? State very specific reasons and examples

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Social Deviance
Social Deviance
In any given society, there are elements that control the way that interact. This means that every person that is in that particular society has to abide by the norms that have been set out. Ideally, this one of the aspects that means that one fits in within the society. It is common to find that there are persons that do not want to conform to the ways of the society. These are the persons that are considered to be deviant. For example, it is a common norm that one should never steal what belongs to another. As such, when one is involved in acts of theft, they are considered to be deviant in the society as they have taken part in an activity that is considered to be wrong. In the light of the social order, such person is thus taken through the justice system which decides what type of punishment the person should be awarded. The justice system is a part of the social control that is used in the society to make sure that every other person is following the social norms. As such, the norms and the elements of social control tend to act as gauges for the social order. Norms can also be viewed as cultural practices that are generally accepted by the members of a given society.
The elements behind the social deviance that is found in the American society has been widely studied with some of the researchers stating that it may actually stem from genetic lineages. One of the most underestimated elements that bring about social deviance in the American society is that of social inequality. For most of the people, when they come to America, they take it that this is the land of opportunity. As such, they come with such high hopes, looking forward to make a living and name for their families. America is a metropolitan society, where all the people from all backgrounds are free to take their chances in life. However, the American dream is not so much practical as it is said. For the longest time, African Americans, Hispanics and the Chinese among other races have experienced social injustices that go beyond their personality. While some of the practices can be traced back to the 60`s and even earlier, social inequality is one of the most significant problems that the American society suffers from.
To reduce the social deviance rates in America one of the elements that has to change is that of associ...
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