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Reducing the Risks of Acquiring Sexually Transmitted Infections

Essay Instructions:

In this week’s lesson, we reviewed a wide range of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) based on causal agents, and looked at symptoms and modes of transmission in men and women, as well as available treatments where available. For your essay assignment, please review and discuss how we can reduce the risk of acquiring STIs by a variety of means, including improved sexual education, accessibility of prophylactics, etc. Do you think these means vary by geographic location and availability of resources within the United States? Please share your views.

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Sexually Transmitted Infections
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Sexually Transmitted Infections
One of the most effective ways to reduce the risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) is through public sexual health information, particularly one targeted at those populations at the highest risk of contracting STIs. Adolescents and young adults have the highest prevalence of STIs compared to other demographic, so providing accurate and comprehensive education about the transmission, symptoms, treatment, and prevention of STIs is critical. Public health information on STIs should be both age-appropriate and culturally responsive: it should respect the various cultural backgrounds, gender identities, and sexual orientations of the target population (Marrazzo & Cates, 2011). It should also not be restrictive by taking an abstinence-only approach; rather, it should teach people how to foster healthy connections and express their sexual autonomy by advocating for condom use. Another way to reduce the risk of acquiring STIs is by providing accessible and high-quality STI testing and treatment services.
A significant number of STIs are asymptomatic, so routine screening is critical to arresting the development of the diseases and transmission to other people. Most target populations experience challenges accessing testing and treatment services, from transportation disadvantages to hectic schedules to financial difficulty. STI clinic funding is necessary to ensure that populations at risk of contracting STIs can access screening and treatment services (Marrazzo & Cates, 2011). Moreover, another way we can reduce the risk of acquiring STIs is by availing of preventive care. Preventive care should take two approaches: preventing individuals from acquiring STIs and preventing infected individuals from spreading it to others. Some preventative care methods include providing condoms, vaccines, and partner therapy, where prescriptions and medications are given to a patient’s partners even before a diagnosis is done.
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