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2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
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The Reasoned Action and Planned Behavior Theories

Essay Instructions:

Research credible articles or websites that used a theory or model in a health education program. Explain which theory or model was used and for what type of health education program? Identify what parts of the theory or model worked or did not work? What was the rationale given in the article for the success or failure of the theory or model? Was the theory or model more or less successful with any specific health education topics or settings?

Search YouTube for videos related to behavior change. View as many videos as you'd like and then select the video that you believe gives the best description of an approach to behavior change. After viewing the videos, determine which behavior change theory/model is the best fit for the approach to behavior change presented and why. Provide a link to the video.

Describe the differences between a theory and a model. Choose two of each that you prefer, define them, and then explain why you prefer or like them.

Describe how the concept of socio-ecological approach applies to using theories

(You can answer the questions separately it does not have to be in essay format) Reference page does not count towards the assignment.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Research credible articles or websites that used a theory or model in a health education program. Explain which theory or model was used and for what type of health education program? Identify what parts of the theory or model worked or did not work? What was the rationale given in the article for the success or failure of the theory or model? Was the theory or model more or less successful with any specific health education topics or settings?
The planned behavior theory an extension of the theory of reasoned action is used in explaining health behaviors and in case of interventions where individuals control their behaviors and their intentions influence their actions. The educational intervention was cervical cancer screening among Latina women where the perceived behavioral control predicted to intention for cervical cancer screening (Roncancio, al 2015). The theory supposes that the intention and behavioral control influence planned action where the behavioral control is ability, while the motivation is the intention. There is an assumption that there is actual control over the behavior and this was reflected in the participants’ willingness to go for screening and reflects the success of the theory in health education and intervention. The theory was more successful in health education when there was involvement of family members, friends and medical practitioners in the health intervention as there was intention to be screened for cervical cancer.
Search YouTube for videos related to behavior change. View as many videos as you'd like and then select the video that you believe gives the best description of an approach to behavior change. After viewing the videos, determine which behavior change theory/model is the best fit for the approach to behavior change presented and why. Provide a link to the video.
Barry (2016) reviews the...
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