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BHS 365 Module 6. Reaction Paper on Medical Ethics: Reproductive Rights Essay. BHS365 Module 6

Essay Instructions:
Modular Learning Objectives By the end of this module, the student shall be able to satisfy the following outcomes expectations: Module Reflect upon and integrate course concepts This course exposed students to the ethical theories and principles in practice in the field of health care and set out to assist students in resolving ethical dilemmas by applying the theories and principles in practice. Together we were able to resolve dilemmas involving patient privacy and confidentiality, informed consent, assisted reproduction and organ transplantation. Through this experience students may now apply a step by step process for resolving dilemmas. As your study in this course draws to a close, it is important to integrate the course content to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the concepts presented in each module. It is also important to "step back" and reflect on new levels of understanding, skills, and knowledge that were developed as a result of your efforts put forth throughout this course. It is particularly important to reflect on the course objectives (what you were intended to learn in this course). By the end othe course you were expected to achieve the following learning objectives: Discuss Medical Ethics and recognize Ethical Dilemmas in specific cases (Modules 1-5) Identify and define Ethical Theories and Principles in practice (Modules 1-5 ) Apply Ethical Theories and Principles to resolve dilemmas (Modules 1-5) Compare and contrast Codes of Ethics applicable to professional practice (Modules 2) Analyze and resolve dilemmas relating to Privacy and Confidentiality (Modules 2) Analyze and resolve dilemmas relating to reproductive rights (Module 3) Identify and explain the ethical implications of Medical Futility and Resource Allocation (Module 4) Analyze and resolve dilemmas relating to Organ Transplantation (Module 4 ) Analyze and resolve dilemmas relating to End-of-Life Decision Making (Modules 5) Reflect upon and integrate course concepts - (Module 6)
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Reaction Paper on Medical Ethics:
Reproductive Rights
(Instructor’s Name)
Reaction Paper on Medical Ethics:
Reproductive Rights
Among all the topics we have discussed the one that struck me most is the topic on reproductive rights. This is not only about procreation and reproductive health but it is also about population, technology, religion, parenthood, responsible choices and a lot more.
A very controversial topic is abortion. Abortion is always a debatable subject especially when it comes to reproductive rights and health. The usual reason people oppose abortion is based on religious arguments. Some say that it is unethical and immoral to abort because the fetus is a person. So it is considered murder to abort. A journal article I read claimed that a fetus is not yet a person until brain activity has begun. And if the fetus does not yet have brain activity it is not considered a person and thus abortion is not a murderous act. In another article I have read, a non-religious approach was put forward. The author claimed that killing an adult is wrong because it robs the person of what was supposed to be a valuable future. This is no different to killing a fetus through abortion. Because it is the same as killing an adult where one is robbed of his/her valuable future since the fetus will also grow to become a person. Another issue related with abortion is its contradiction with woman’s rights and safety. Is it right to undergo an abortion if the mother’s health is at...
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