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What Questions An Employer (Supervisor) Should Consider?

Essay Instructions:

1) Write a paper (500-750 words) that addresses the Review Questions 2 and 3 in chapter 20 of the textbook. Include a rationale for your answers.

2) Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

3) This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Chapter 21 Review Questions
Question 5: Discuss what questions an employer (supervisor) should consider before terminating an employee.
Terminating an employee from an organization may lead to adverse effect on the organization’s performance. To wrongly discharge an employee is the worst as it will cost the organization a lot (Ashley & Catherine, 2012). However, and at times, it is just right that the employee can be terminated especially when it is based on their output levels. The following questions determine whether the employee suits to be terminated or not.
The first question is if the employee in question does not meet the expectations in the job. This should always be the first consideration. Is the employee handling the duties assigned to them to meet the expectations? It should as well be considered if they are living up to the organization’s cultural expectations (Nicole, 2014). Another fundamental measurable tool to this is the company's core beliefs. If the core belief of the company and that of the employee do not match, then the employee can be terminated (Nicole, 2014).
The next very crucial question is based on the duration of the poor performance of the employee. It is true that everyone makes mistakes and everyone should be granted a second chance. But if the mistakes are done continually and with no efforts of engagement and correction, then there will be no otherwise. Before the employer decides to fire an employee, the third question they should consider is whether they have documented the employee’s poor performance and if they have notified them about it. Sometimes the employee in question may not be aware if their employers have a problem with their performance, not until they are notified, by giving them an official documentation concerning it. It might take them by surprise when they are suddenly fired. It also aids in safeguarding the lawsuits of the employee in the future.
Lastly, the employer should ask if they gave the employee in question enough instructions and time to improve. A good employer will show their employees that they are concerned about them keeping their jobs. And they will definitely do this by providing a performance improvement plan that has benchmarks and timeline that are clearly indicated. The employer should give clear specifications of what should be done differently to secure their positions.
Question 8: Discuss what actions an employee can take to help reduce the nec...
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