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Quality And Safety: Some Is Not A Number Soon Is Not A Time

Essay Instructions:

Some is not a number. Soon is not a time.
—Slogan for the completed 100,000 Lives Campaign and 5 million Lives Campaign from the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI)
As reflected in the IHI statement above, safeguarding patients and promoting high-quality care requires more than vague promises. Although sensational headlines highlighting unsafe or inadequate care have brought increasing public attention to troubling events, providers, government agencies, insurers, and nonprofit organizations have taken strides to promote greater transparency and accountability around these issues. Reimbursements from government sources of funding and private insurers have been directly linked to performance through measures of safety and quality. In addition, many groups now acknowledge the need to improve the culture of care and are seeking ways to facilitate inter-professional collaboration that places concern for the patient at the center of health care delivery. As a nurse leader, you can play an integral part in promoting high-quality care and upholding the safety of patients, as well as of health care workers.
This week, you will examine the six aims promoted by the Institute of Medicine for improving health care. You will also consider the value of inter-professional collaboration in addressing health care issues.
Overview of the 100,000 Lives campaign. Retrieved from http://www(dot)ihi(dot)org/offerings/Initiatives/PastStrategicInitiatives/5MillionLivesCampaign/Documents/Overview%20of%20the%20100K%20Campaign.pdf
Learning Objectives
Students will:
Analyze the impact of quality and safety issues on health care delivery
Analyze the value of inter-professional collaboration for improving health care quality and safety
Photo Credit: Angela Schmidt/iStock/Getty Images
Learning Resources
Note: To access this week's required library resources, please click on the link to the Course Readings List, found in the Course Materials section of your Syllabus.
Required Readings
Knickman, J. R., & Kovner, A. R. (Eds.). (2015). Health care delivery in the united states (11th ed.). New York, NY: Springer Publishing.
Chapter 13, “High Quality Health Care” (pp. 273–295)
Chapter 2, “A Visual Overview of Health Care Delivery in the United States” (pp. 13–27)
These chapters discuss the current state of health care quality, as well as efforts to measure and improve quality.
Chapter 14, “Managing and Governing Health Care Organizations” (pp. 297–309)
This chapter details the vital importance of developing a better understanding of why and how heath care organizations are governed and managed in order to improve accountability.
Berwick, D. (2005). My right knee. Annals of Internal Medicine, 142(2), 121–125.
In this article, Donald Berwick describes five specific dimensions of “total quality” care he will need when his right knee is replaced; however, he feels no one health care institution can deliver all five dimensions.
Gardner, D. (2010). Health policy and politics. Expanding scope of practice: Inter-professional collaboration or conflict? Nursing Economic$, 28(4), 264–266.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
This article summarizes the interdisciplinary conflict and collaboration likely to be promoted by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The text emphasizes the value of mediators in facilitating discussions between thought leaders from different disciplines.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
  Quality and Safety Name Institution Date   Quality and Safety           “Some is not a number. Soon is not a time,” slogan reflects on ensuring the safety of patients without compromising the quality of care. Even though sensitive headlines highlighting medical care that is not safe or appropriate have led to an increase in public attention towards troublesome scenarios, the government agencies, insurance institutions and not-for-profit organizations strive to enhance transparency as well as taking responsibility for such issues. Reimbursements from sources of government funding together with private insurance firms have a direct connection with the performance of health care facilities. This is by means of the measures set to evaluate whether there is an assurance of safeness without a compromise of quality. Furthermore, many groups currently recognize the necessity to enhance the culture of providing quality care. They are identifying some strategies to foster the inter-professional collaborations, which positions the priorities of patients first while delivering health care services. As a nurse manager, one can play a crucial role and responsibility in promoting medical attention of high quality and in ensuring the safeguarding of all patients as well as the providers of health care (Hibbard, Greene & Daniel, 2010). Accordingly, this paper seeks to examine the aims promoted by the Institute of Medicine for improving health care, besides considering the value of inter-professional collaboration in addressing health care issues’.             The aims of improving health care include safety; this gives a guarantee to patients of the evasion of possible medical errors and adverse events, which is inclusive of errors made during diagnosis, procedures as well as treatments and during prevention cases. Another aim concerns the level of effectiveness in health care delivery, which helps in achieving positive clinical outcomes among patients. The accomplishment of this is through the integration of expertise and the values of patients while administering medical services. Equity is an aim that concentrates on offering medical attention to persons and communities without bias. This is in relation to race, gender, socio-economic as well as the insurance status and ethnicity. Timeliness is another objective of improving health care, which centers on the abundance of treatment tech...
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