100% (1)
3 pages/≈825 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
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Quality Improvement & Stakeholders Report: Quality of Care in the Maternal and Newborn Department

Essay Instructions:

Quality Improvement & Stakeholders Report (100pts)
This assignment requires a full 3-4 page research report reflecting critical thinking and an analysis of the research findings. Reports must be supported with 3 scholarly creditable outside resources and is to be formatted throughout in accord with APA requirements. In summary required is the Title Page, the Main Body, and a Citations page. Papers are to be posted in the Assignment folder titled QI & Stakeholders for grading by Saturday 11:59 PM. Be sure to reference the competency/student learning outcomes identified in the weekly overview and in the rubric as grading is strictly adhered to the identified competencies.
Topic: Share a quality improvement activity that has been implemented in your healthcare setting and describe how the process to gain information, analyze, implement strategies to correct and evaluate the situation were addressed. Include the following in your paper:
Identify the quality management assessment model used
How the problem was identified and by who
How the data was collected & analyzed
Was any type of software program used
What actions were taken to improve the situation
How was the implementation of the corrective actions evaluated
Is there ongoing quality assessment
Include who the stakeholders are and what they expect from quality
Week 2 Insight Paper Rubric (1)
Week 2 Insight Paper Rubric (1)
Criteria Ratings Pts
Competency/Outcome • Apply one quality improvement model used to achieve quality and safety improvements
Exemplary- Demonstrates an advanced understanding of the primary thesis of the paper that sparks the interest of the reader and clearly identifies competencies/ outcomes to be achieved
25 pts
Mastery- Demonstrates an accomplished understanding of the primary thesis of the paper that sparks the interest of the reader and identifies competencies/ outcomes to be achieved
22.5 pts
Proficient- Demonstrates an acceptable understanding of the primary thesis of the paper however competencies/ outcomes to be achieved are not clearly defined
20 pts
Emerging- Demonstrates an inadequate understanding of the primary thesis of the paper and does not identify the competencies/ outcomes to be achieved
17.5 pts
Does Not Meet Expectation- The paper does not reflect an understanding of the primary thesis of the paper and does not identify the competencies/ outcomes to be achieved
0 pts
25 pts
Critical Thinking/ Analytical Skills
Exemplary- Presents an insightful and thorough analysis of all issues identified; consistently demonstrates the use of critical thinking/ analytical skills
25 pts
Mastery- Presents a thorough analysis of most of the issues identified; demonstrates the use of critical thinking/ analytical skills
22.5 pts
Proficient- Presents a superficial analysis of some of the issues identified; minimal demonstration of the use of critical thinking/ analytical skills
20 pts
Emerging- Presents an incomplete analysis of the issues identified; demonstrates little or no use of critical thinking/analysis skill
17.5 pts
Does Not Meet Expectation- Does not present any critical thinking/ analysis
0 pts
25 pts
Utilization of Research
Exemplary- Supplements paper with relevant and extensive research into the body of the paper
25 pts
Mastery- Supplements paper with relevant research into the body of the paper
22.5 pts
Proficient- Supplements paper with limited research into the body of the paper
20 pts
Emerging- Minimally supplements paper with research into the body of the paper
17.5 pts
Does Not Meet Expectation- Does not include relevant research into the body of the paper
0 pts
25 pts
Quality and Organization of the writing
Exemplary- The paper is extremely well organized, makes excellent transitions from point to point, no spelling or grammatical errors and all references correctly cited
25 pts
Mastery- The paper is generally well organized with relatively smooth transitions from point to point; rare number of spelling and/or grammatical errors or references not correctly cited
22.5 pts
Proficient- The paper is organized with somewhat smooth transitions from point to point; under3 spelling and/or grammatical errors or references not correctly cited
20 pts
Emerging- The paper is minimally well organized with minimally acceptable transitions from point to point; several spelling and/or grammatical errors or references not correctly cited
17.5 pts
Does Not Meet Expectation- The paper is poorly organized with clumsy transitions from point to point, several spelling and grammatical errors, and references not correctly cited
0 pts
25 pts
Total Points: 100
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Essay Sample Content Preview:

Quality Improvement & Stakeholders Report
Institutional Affiliation:
The healthcare industry is today viewed as one of the fastest growing industries in the world. This depicts the fact that this industry remains an integral part of each and every society and thus consists of different organizations, actions, and people whose main motive remains in promoting, maintaining and restoring health. However, it is essential to note that there are cases where evidence of poor quality among hospitals has been noted (Westby, Klemm, Li, & Jones, 2016). This has seen the federal governments and different foundations include the private sector fund research approaches aimed at identifying appropriate clinical practices that would improve the quality of healthcare within medical institutions and reduce the errors that affect health outcomes. This paper therefore seeks to share a quality improvement activity implemented within a health institution and the processes involved in achieving this.
Quality of Care in the Maternal and Newborn Department
The quality of care within the maternal and newborn department within our health institutions has been wanting over time. Our maternal and newborn department experienced some issues in regard to the lack of professional ethics among the service providers, a factor that compromised the quality of healthcare that was delivered within this medical institution (Westby et al., 2016). This, therefore, called for a dire need of a better management approach of the staffs that would require the development of supervision in order to ensure that the health providers reported for duty.
In establishing this issue, the quality management committee used the operations-based model through which the actions of the established healthcare system were accessed and an emergence of awareness determined (Stelfox, & Niven et al., 2015). Through this approach, the extent to which a concern was identified, therefore, pushed for the need to employ approaches in handling these problems. Absenteeism was one of the major issues that were noted within the department, a factor that saw the delays that were experienced during deliveries increase.
It is, therefore, essential to note that there is an essence of developing a quality of care model for the maternal and newborn health that balances with the ethical considerations. In other words, the experiences of the health consumers need to account to the autonomy of the patients which has the capacity to affects the health conditions of the unborn baby. This issue was, therefore, identified by the quality management committee within the health institution. This team is tasked with the responsibility of monitoring the predetermined metrics in regards to quality and safety within the institution.
Data Collection & Analysis
In collecting data, the management team made use of a health survey procedure that comprised of five management experts within the institution. Through the use of an open questionnaire, the draft was sent to quality management experts for a review and to receive their comments. The expert’s views were viewed and conside...
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