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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Article Critique #2: Qualitative Review. Health, Medicine, Nursing.

Essay Instructions:

Article Critique #2: Qualitative Review

Write a brief overview of the assigned article study being reviewed. This overview will provide descriptions of the essential elements of the study design. write a critique of the study using guidelines for Qualitative review provided. APA format

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Article Critique
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Article Critique
The article “Research and Diabetes Nursing. Part 4: Qualitative Designs” by Vivien Coates provides a guideline for nurses aiming to conduct qualitative studies. Specifically, the article is focused on the designs of qualitative studies. Coates begins by providing an overview of the purpose of qualitative research and its implications in nursing (Coates, 2011). She also addresses the design and methods often employed in qualitative studies. The article also explores the best ways and when to use qualitative research in the nursing discipline. An example of a qualitative study is illustrated in the article. Finally, three different qualitative designs are explained in detail.
Article Critique
The article “Research and Diabetes Nursing. Part 4: Qualitative Designs” writing style is well-organized and simplified for the reader to understand each section. All sections of the article flow smoothly from one point to another. The credibility of the article is enhanced by the author’s qualifications as a Chair in Nursing Research at the University of Ulster, Institute of Nursing, and Western Health and Social care Trust in Northern Ireland (Coughlan et al., 2007). The title of the article is nine words long and clearly states the purpose of the study. A succinct abstract provides an overview of what to expect in the article in regards to qualitative designs.
Coates states the purpose of the article at the beginning. She aims to help nursing working with diabetes gain knowledge when ...
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