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3 pages/≈825 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
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QI Leadership Process: The Roles and Responsibilities

Essay Instructions:

Insight Paper Week 1: QI Process and Responsible Leadership (100 pts)
This assignment requires a full 3-4 page research report reflecting critical thinking and an analysis of research findings. Reports must be supported with 3 scholarly creditable outside resources and is to be formatted throughout in accord with APA requirements. In summary required are the Title Page, the Main Body, and a Citations page. Papers are to be posted by Saturday 11:59 PM in the Assignment folder titled QI Process and Responsible Leadership. Be sure to reference the competency/student learning outcomes identified in the weekly overview and in the rubric as grading is strictly adhered to the identified competencies
Topic: Research and review the roles and responsibilities of a Governing Board, CEO, and Managers involved with QI and Risk Management in healthcare. This assignment focuses on process verses a solution/outcome as the process needs to be clearly directed and understood in order to achieve improved outcomes. Choose one QI model from your text, such as PDCA, and explain how that model would apply to your clinical setting and be a good tool to use in improving quality consumer outcomes.
Assume that in your current work setting consumers are waiting to long to be seen by the provider and potentially results in a safety issue. Example a severe headache that results in a stroke after an hour wait. You have been asked to investigate, recommend a solution and ultimately resolve the problem. Use the steps in the PDCA (Plan Do Check and Act)model to approach this assignment.
Week 1 Insight Paper Rubric (1)
Week 1 Insight Paper Rubric (1)
Criteria Ratings Pts
Competency/Outcome: • Articulate the roles and responsibilities of the various healthcare leaders involved in the QI/Risk Management process• Apply a QI assessment model such as PDCA and its impact on quality outcomes .
Exemplary- Demonstrates an advanced understanding of the primary thesis of the paper that sparks the interest of the reader and clearly identifies competencies/ outcomes to be achieved
25 pts
Mastery- Demonstrates an accomplished understanding of the primary thesis of the paper that sparks the interest of the reader and identifies competencies/ outcomes to be achieved
22.5 pts
Proficient- Demonstrates an acceptable understanding of the primary thesis of the paper however competencies/ outcomes to be achieved are not clearly defined
20 pts
Emerging- Demonstrates an inadequate understanding of the primary thesis of the paper and does not identify the competencies/ outcomes to be achieved
17.5 pts
Does Not Meet Expectation- The paper does not reflect an understanding of the primary thesis of the paper and does not identify the competencies/ outcomes to be achieved
0 pts
25 pts
Critical Thinking/ Analytical Skills
Exemplary- Presents an insightful and thorough analysis of all issues identified; consistently demonstrates the use of critical thinking/ analytical skills
25 pts
Mastery- Presents a thorough analysis of most of the issues identified; demonstrates the use of critical thinking/ analytical skills
22.5 pts
Proficient- Presents a superficial analysis of some of the issues identified; minimal demonstration of the use of critical thinking/ analytical skills
20 pts
Emerging- Presents an incomplete analysis of the issues identified; demonstrates little or no use of critical thinking/analysis skill
17.5 pts
Does Not Meet Expectation- Does not present any critical thinking/ analysis
0 pts
25 pts
Utilization of Research
Exemplary- Supplements paper with relevant and extensive research into the body of the paper
25 pts
Mastery- Supplements paper with relevant research into the body of the paper
22.5 pts
Proficient- Supplements paper with limited research into the body of the paper
20 pts
Emerging- Minimally supplements paper with research into the body of the paper
17.5 pts
Does Not Meet Expectation- Does not include relevant research into the body of the paper
0 pts
25 pts
Quality and Organization of the writing
Exemplary- The paper is extremely well organized, makes excellent transitions from point to point, no spelling or grammatical errors and all references correctly cited
25 pts
Mastery- The paper is generally well organized with relatively smooth transitions from point to point; rare number of spelling and/or grammatical errors or references not correctly cited
22.5 pts
Proficient- The paper is organized with somewhat smooth transitions from point to point; under3 spelling and/or grammatical errors or references not correctly cited
20 pts
Emerging- The paper is minimally well organized with minimally acceptable transitions from point to point; several spelling and/or grammatical errors or references not correctly cited
17.5 pts
Does Not Meet Expectation- The paper is poorly organized with clumsy transitions from point to point, several spelling and grammatical errors, and references not correctly cited
0 pts
25 pts
Total Points: 100

Essay Sample Content Preview:

QI Process and Responsible Leadership
QI Process and Responsible Leadership
In the health care sector, quality and efficiency are some of the most crucial platforms that all the personnel are trained to maintain and work with at all times. Medical practitioners have to make sure that the patients get the best level of care at all time, relative to the ethical and professional codes as well as the standards. At times the level of quality may come down and this affects the satisfaction of the patients and further endangers the patients’ lives by compromising their health. In the recent settings, there have been some subtle concerns from the fact that most of the patients have to wait in line to get assistance (Hrsa.gov, 2016). The most detrimental aspects of the waiting process is that, quite a number of the patients have developed complications while waiting to see a doctor or a nurse to attend to them. There have been cases where patients with mild headaches have developed stroke at the waiting area. As such, this calls for subtle strategies to try and make sure that the quality of care is improved (Hrsa.gov, 2016). In light of the valid concerns, quality improvement and risk management along with the Plan Do Check and Act model to help bring the improvements to fruition (Mindtools.com, 2016).
The quality improvement and risk management processes are highly dependent on the leadership relative to the establishment of the change process and the implementation of the same. Understanding the various managerial positions and how they affect the process is crucial. In the case of the governing board, it is their role to make sure that they establish and disseminate the institution’s mission and vision statements and ensure that they align with the public purpose (Arnwine, 2002). This also means that the board is responsible for the formulation of the policies in this case those that relate to the efficiency of the work flow such that patients are not kept waiting with an aim of reducing risk (Lee, Alexander, Wang, Margolin & Combes, 2008). The board is also tasked with decision making relative to the mission, vision and strategies of the hospital to reduce health risks associated with patients being attended to in time, before they develop complications. The board also plays a crucial role in oversight. This means that in light of the current situation and the proposed changes in the quality improvement and risk management strategies, it is the role of the board to see to it that the implementation process is successful and that all the key players are taking their responsibilities in stride towards better care. In the case of the CEO, their function relative to the changes in the hospital operations include implementing the strategic goals such as in the case of making sure that the patients are attended to as fast as possible to avoid comprise on their health (Singh, 2009). It is also the duty of the CEO to make sure that the board of directors fulfill their functions and obligations to the quality improvement strategies at the hospital. The element of giving direction to the organization relative to how best they can implement the q...
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