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Purposes and Uses of Diagnostic Testing and Various Types of Common Cellular Adaptations

Essay Instructions:

You will need to cite your textbook as well as at least one outside, professional source. Professional sources include research and articles pulled from the Chamberlain library databases or from reputable internet sources. Reputable web sources include government websites (.gov), non-profit sources (.org), and educational sources (.edu). Wikipedia and WebMD are not considered reputable sources.
In order to get credit for your sources, you must cite them internally within the discussion text as well as reference them in the reference list.
Your initial post must be made no sooner than Sunday but no later than Wednesday at 11:59 PM MT.
After you read other student postings, you must submit a response to another student's post. Your response can be made on any day OTHER THAN THE DAY YOU MAKE YOUR INITIAL POST and must be completed by Sunday, end of the week, at 11:59 PM.
The late assignment policy does not apply to the discussions. Any submission made after Sunday night will not be graded.
Don't forget your APA format when doing your discussion. Here is an example of part of this discussion, including APA format
Ms. A, age 35, was given a Pap test during a routine medical checkup. The test showed marked dysplasia of cervical cells but no sign of infection.
Discuss the purposes and uses of diagnostic testing and how it applies in this scenario.
The purpose of a diagnostic test it to help diagnose a disease. They can be tests of body fluid, blood, and X-rays. Ms. A's Pap smear was given because it is a routine test for women and it showed dysplasia of her cervical cells.
Discuss how the following terms might apply to this scenario: prognosis, latent stage, remission, exacerbations, predisposing factors.
The prognosis would tell Ms. A how likely she is to recover from dysplasia of her cervical cells. She may be in the latent stage now because she has no sign of infection. She would be in remission when the dysplasia was gone permanently or temporarily. If her dysplasia worsened then that would be an exacerbation. A predisposing factor that she may have is HPV. HPV is what causes most cases of dysplasia of cervical cells (Columbia, 2021).
Compare and contrast the various types of common cellular adaptations, focusing on dysplasia and the testing for this condition.
There are many different types of common cellular adaptations. Dysplasia is when the tissue cells vary in size and shape. The testing for this condition is a routine Pap smear in women. Another type is Hyperplasia which is an increased number of cells. Because there are more cells, the tissue's mass is more also. Neoplasia is another name for a tumor and it can either be malignant or benign (Hubert & VanMeter , 2018). Columbia University Irving Medical Center. (2021, April 20). Cervical Dysplasia. Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center (HICCC) - New York. https://www(dot)cancer(dot)columbia(dot)edu/cancer-types-care/types/cervical-cancer/cervical-dysplasia (Links to an external site.).
Hubert, R. J., & VanMeter, K.C. (2018). Gould's Pathophysiology for the Health Professions (6th ed.). Elsevier.

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1 Discuss the purposes and uses of diagnostic testing and how it applies in this scenario.
The Pap test is helpful to prevent and detect lesions that can develop into cervical cancer and cell alterations in the presence of the human papillomavirus (HPV) (Norenhag et al., 2020). It is necessary to evaluate the risk of developing cervical cancer in women, and HPV is the main factor responsible for dysplasia of cervical cells. The medical history and physical examination help interpret, analyze, and make better clinical decisions on the best course of action as there was dysplasia of cervical cells. The Pap test used for diagnosis and screening helped detect the abnormal or precancerous cervical cells.
1 Discuss how the following terms might apply to this scenario: prognosis, latent stage, remission, exacerbations, predisposing factors.
Prognosis represents the predicted course of a disease, including those diagnosed and cured and the factors with improved outcomes. In the case of Ms. A, it is the recovery from dysplasia of cervical cells. The latent stage indicates the period between initial exposure and cancer symptoms, and detection of the symptoms is helpful. Remission indicates there are no longer clinical signs as the m...
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