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Public Service Health Announcement Nursing Assignment

Essay Instructions:

Part 1 is a narrative report You will identify and explain the effect of the water supply on the development of cholera in developing countries.

Part 1: Report

In a report of 750-1,000-words, address the following:

The agent responsible for cholera.

The symptoms, treatment, and diagnosis of cholera.

Relationship between the water supply and cholera.

Public health efforts to reduce cholera illness in developing countries.

Utilize a minimum of three references to support your claims.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Public Health Service Announcement
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Public Health Service Announcement
Cholera remains to be a significant public health issue worldwide. However, most of the cholera symptoms are infections are not detected early enough. There can be significant outbreaks of cholera disease such as the one recently experienced in Zimbabwe, Haiti, and Vietnam. Most of the industrialized countries have practically not experienced any cases of cholera for an extended period due to their proper water and sanitation as well as proper sewerage treatment facilities. On the other hand, in developing countries, the causative agents keep thriving due to the crowded housing issues as well as the fact that the water and sanitation infrastructure are suboptimal (Chopra et al., 2009). Most of these countries lack access to safe and clean drinking water and sufficient sanitation. The cholera epidemic in these countries will continue to impact on their health unless the issue of water supply is addressed such as introducing piped water system which has water treatment facilities that are chlorination and provide meaningful interventions at the home levels such as disinfecting water and storing it safely. Besides, building systems that ensure safe disposal of sewage even construction of latrines.
Cholera which is an acute diarrhea infection triggered by ingestion of water that is contaminated or food that has the bacterium Vibrio cholera. Basically, the causative agent is passed from a reservoir of infection to a potential host through the vehicle transmission. The Vibrio cholera is transmitted and spread by water that has been contaminated by the feces of an animal or an ill person who have sewages that are inappropriately and poorly treated (Fewtrell & Colford). Besides, the contamination can also be through foodborne if a shellfish has been incompletely cooked, then it is susceptible to passing on the disease to a healthy person. However, the most common reservoir of cholera is a nonliving one which is water that is contaminated by feces of animals and human beings. Shellfish is also a common reservoir of this pathogen.
Symptoms of Cholera
Some of the cholera symptoms include:
* Dehydration
* Vomiting and Nausea- Detected in the early stages of the disease and vomiting is persistent.
* Diarrhea- This happens suddenly and causes fluid loss.
Treatment of Cholera
Cholera is one of the diseases that can be treated easily. Many of the affected people can be treated successfully by immediate administration of oral rehydration solutions also referred to as (ORS). According to the standards of UNICEF/WHO the ORS sachet should be dissolved in a liter of clean water. However, the adult patients may take up to 6 liters of the ORS for treating the moderate dehydrations during the first day of adm...
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