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Public policy meeting Health, Medicine, Nursing Essay

Essay Instructions:

Public Policy Meeting Assignment

Submit a 3-4 page summary paper on the public policy meeting. Include headings in your paper that address these components:

The purpose of the meeting, key participants, key agenda items, and meeting logistics

Background information and a description about the committee

One specific topic that was discussed at the meeting and an explanation of the committee process

An analysis of the key stakeholder positions related to the topic discussed

Key interactions that occurred at the meeting

Outcomes of the meeting including the specific topic focus

APA format (6th ed.), proper grammar, and references as appropriate

******here is the link of the video public policy meeting

***** https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=smVa0-UlRM4

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Public Policy Meeting
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Public Policy Meeting
Public policy meetings play a significance role in changing or improving various issues affecting communities. The public policy meeting ensures the assessment and evaluation of key issues that may influence policy change. In this paper, key aspects of a COVID-19 public policy meeting are discussed.
Purpose, Participants, Agenda Items, and Logistics
The policy meeting is titled “Disparities Among COVID-19 Epidemiology.” The purpose of the meeting is to provide an overall epidemiology of COVID-19 including the distribution, prevalence, and other factors relating to overall health (Centers, 2020). Committee members focused on the COVID-19 pandemic, current measures, and planning efforts to address the social problems emerging because of the disease. The key participants are Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) administrators, CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), office of Health Equity, physicians, lobbyists, state and local representatives, and the public (Centers, 2020).
The key agenda items are as follows:
1 Meeting date is September 21, 2020
2 Opening of the meeting by the meeting moderator
3 The meeting starts at 2:00 pm
4 The moderator welcomes Dr. Wallace to give a presentation on COVID-19 epidemiology
5 Dr. Wallace provides the presentation
6 Presentation ends in 20 minutes
7 The moderator asks the participants to share their questions
8 Questions are answered by the CDC officials
9 Meeting ends after 46 minutes
The logistics for the meeting includes a virtual meeting. Everyone attends the meeting through a cloud-based video conferencing service. Participants access the meeting using their own Internet connectivity and devices. The meeting is presented through audio-visual presentation.
Background Information and Committee
The COVID-19 pandemic often referred to as coronavirus pandemic first came to the limelight in December 2019 in Wuhan, China. The World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a pandemic on March 2020 (Centers, 2020). In the United States, reported its first case of the disease was reported on January 20, 2020. The country declared an outbreak and a public health emergency in January 31, prompting measures to be put in place to mitigate the disease. Given that COVID-19 involves human-to-human contact, measures such as social distancing, wearing mask, sanitizing, and covering the mouth when coughing or sneezing were emphasized by organizations such as CDC and WHO. The current policy meeting explores the incidents and challenges facing U.S. almost one year since the pandemic started.
The main committee in the meeting is CDC response teams and ACIP. CDC works to generate findings and data that can ensure the health, safety, and the security of Americans. It focuses on fighting disease locally, nationally, and internationally to promote health and well-being. Owing to the COVID- 19 pandemic, the CDC response team has compiled a significant amount of data to understand the impact of the disease on American communities (Centers, 2020). ACIP also plays a crucial role in the committee. The ACIP works to recommend best practices in immunization or vaccines can be used to control diseases in the United States.
Topic Discussed in the Meeting
One topic discussed in th...
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