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Public Health Leadership Plan

Essay Instructions:

Revised Leadership Plan

Professional Context

This assignment provides an opportunity for you to develop coaching, leadership development, and communication strategies.

By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assignment criteria:

Competency 1: Develop a personal leadership plan.
Develop a strategy for enhancing one's leadership skills by accepting new responsibilities at work or by volunteering.
Develop a strategy for enhancing one's reputation, widening one's sphere of influence, and sharing expertise in professional contexts.

Competency 2: Perform effectively on interprofessional teams.
Develop strategies for motivating and leading diverse teams.
Develop strategies for managing difficult leadership situations and resolving conflict
Develop a strategy for extending one's leadership network.

Competency 4: Select communication strategies for different audiences and sectors
Develop a continuous improvement plan for communication strategies focused on wide-ranging, diverse audiences.

Competency 5: Communicate audience-appropriate public health content in a logically structured and concise manner, writing clearly with correct use of grammar, punctuation, spelling, and APA style.
Write clearly and concisely in a logically coherent and appropriate form and style.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Leadership Plan
Leadership Plan
As a good leader, there are things that one will have to learn as they continue doing their job. Some of the qualities that leaders have are inborn while others are acquired. A good leader in the 21st century for example will have to deal with a diverse group of people either at work or in another setting. It is critical therefore for a person to prepare themselves for the tasks of being a good leader if they want to survive in the 21st-century work environment. This essay aims to determine what strategies a person needs to have for them to be great leaders. It will look at the communication skills to the listening skills of a leader and determine the areas that may need improvement.
A good leader is someone that should be able to listen and motivate people to follow him/her.
Competency 1: Development of Personal Leadership Plan
The first thing to do as a way of enhancing my leadership skills will be to accept new responsibilities at work and through volunteer missions. As a person that wants to become a good leader, it will be critical to take in more responsibility from work (Vulevic, 2016). The more one gets more responsibility the easier it is for them to deal with other people and to make important decisions that impact the organization. Having more responsibilities is also important because it allows a person to work under pressure and this helps in developing the character of an individual.
There will also be a need to have a strategy that will enhance my reputation in the organization and or the place that I choose to volunteer. One of the ways that a person can have their reputation enhanced is by taking responsibility for the mistakes of the team. As a person that has been given the job of overseeing a ceratin project, it will be important to accept the failure of the group when they take place. It will also be instrumental for one to share in the success of the team if one wants to enhance their reputation as a good leader (Vulevic, 2016). Since being a leader is an ongoing process it will be important to widen the sphere of influence by interacting with different leaders across the country.
Competency 2: Performing in Interprofessional Teams
There are several ways that a person can be able to motivate a diverse team and to ensure the goals of the organization have been met. One of the ways to motivate such a team is by listening to what they are saying and understanding their point of view (De Meyer, 2011). All employees need to work together despite their cultural background in making sure that the goals of the company have been achieved. The best way to lead a diverse group as a leader is not through the use of force but through dialogue. It will be critical to explain to the group why some of the company policies have been established. The policies will have to align with the employees' beliefs for the organization to work effectively.
Despite the best team and leadership in the organization, there are always chances for a conflict to take place in an organization. One of the ways that a good leader should resolve a conflict is by being a good listener and allowing each side to ex...
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