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503 MOD 5 SLP: Overview of Provider Infertility Education Program

Essay Instructions:

Option #2 - Provider Education Program
Develop a two-hour infertility education workshop for primary care providers. The goal of this educational seminar will be to enhance the capacity of physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, or other primary care providers to meet the needs of the growing number of individuals who face challenges with regard to fertility.
Option Two Task:
Submit a 10-15 page final paper in which you summarize objectives of your workshop, your marketing strategy, the format you plan to use, the topics to be addressed, and your plan for assessing overall effectiveness.
Although you are expected to use information gathered for previous modular assignments, your paper should not merely be a compilation of these materials. Instead you should elaborate extensively upon the information that you have collected and presented "along the way." The end result should be a "stand-alone" report/paper that you could present to a group of health education colleagues.
*** Your paper should incorporate a minimum of 15 peer-reviewed sources, which should be cited in the body of the document and in a reference list at the end. ***
***Submit your final paper at the conclusion of this module.***
SLP Assignment Expectations
For this assignment, you are to write and submit a final paper and presentation (Option #1) OR a final paper alone (Option #2) that conform(s) to the aforementioned requirements and reflect(s) a synthesis and integration of all previous SLP components.
LENGTH: 15-20 slides and 10-15 pages typed and double-spaced for Option #1; 10-15 pages typed and double-spaced for Option #2
The following items will be assessed in particular:
PRECISION: Each of the questions of the assignment is specifically addressed in the presentation/paper.
CLARITY: The presentation/paper reads clearly (i.e., it is not confusing) and is well-structured.
BREADTH: The presentation/paper presents appropriate breadth covering the questions of the assignment.
DEPTH: The presentation/paper presents points that lead to a deeper understanding of the matters and/or issues being discussed and integrates several points into coherent conclusions.
APPLICATION: Your assignment reflects an application of concepts and principles covered in this course to policies governing infertility treatment or to clinical practice.
Keep in mind that "A" papers are truly exceptional works that go beyond simply answering the questions.
NOTE: Please be sure to provide citations of sources consulted in preparing your paper in the body of the actual document itself (i.e., in addition to furnishing a reference list). Remember, any statement that you make that is not common knowledge or that originates from your synthesis or interpretation of materials that you have read must have a citation associated with it. For guidelines on in-text citations, visit the following web site: http://owl(dot)english(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/resource/560/02/

Essay Sample Content Preview:

503 MOD 5 SLP
Overview of Provider Infertility Education Program
The New York family Planning Association is offering an in-service infertility education workshop targeting nurse practitioners, certified nurse assistants, nurse midwives, assistant physicians, dieticians, family planning counselors, and hospital administrative staffs. The association aims at ensuring that health care service providers are equipped with infertility services to serve better the public especially those in need of the infertility treatment (Cobbs, 2010).
The workshop will help the trained staffs create awareness in regards to infertility treatment by addressing what clients might want to know. This includes causes of infertility and types of treatment available. Many patients fear and have various misconceptions regarding infertility treatment and the possible outcomes; people assume that the success rates of infertility is low even after undergoing treatment for an extended period (Cobbs, 2010).
When staffs are well-informed, patients will receive better services whenever they visit these facilities. This workshop will provide all staff members with comprehensive information on how to assist patients receive immediate attention and make an appointment when in need of infertility services. We hope that the trained staff will be in a better position to inform and also assist patients to find the patient information departments within their localities. We also hope that the staff within the information departments will direct patients will provide local residences with literature about infertility and infertility treatment (Christiano, 2016).
The Importance of the In-Service Infertility Workshop
The main purpose of such education initiatives, is for caregivers to be able to assist patients to be more informed about the success rates of infertility services and also to help them acquire more knowledge about infertility treatment (Christiano,2016).
Reed (2001) states that literature acts as reference materials , therefore patients can learn more about infertility treatment when such literature are made available. This will not only assist people experiencing infertility problems, but also reach out to more people including their friends and family members. When health care providers are well equipped with infertility treatment knowledge, clients are likely to spend less time with the doctors and feel less stressful. This is because clients will be equipped with procedures to be performed and what to expect out of the whole treatment process to successfully conceive (Lykeridou et al., 2009).
The in-service infertility workshop is meant to enhance quality service delivery to the public targeting nurse's practitioners and primary care providers including counselors. The two-hour in-service course will provide a comprehensive education to the increasing number of individuals facing challenges of fertility .The workshop targets a total of 50 health care providers to be trained to educate clients on infertility and treatment services within the workplaces (Lykeridou et al., 2009).
This workshop will act as one of the platforms for creating awareness about infertility and also act as a motivating factor for health care providers to come up with workable treatment plans for clients with infertility problems. After the workshop, the uptake of infertility treatment is expected to increase to reach out to a wider geographical coverage (Lykeridou et al., 2009).The workshop will provide opportunities for nurse practitioners and other primary care providers especially counselors to assist clients with infertility problems because they constantly interact with several patients. The workshop will focus on how to offer support and create awareness to clients and their families who need assistance through referrals for them to receive comprehensive guidance and even treatment (Lykeridou et al., 2009).
It is important to improve the knowledge of primary health care providers through such workshops as a way of ensuring that staffs are available to guide patients and further reduce anxiety about infertility treatment. Since a majority of the clients from low–income categories are uninsured limiting their ability to access infertility treatment programs, primary health care workers will act as avenues to reach out to different categories of people (Lykeridou et al., 2009). That is why the workshop intends to train health care providers to increase access by reaching out to a wider range of people and help them make the better decisions of improving their chances of conceiving using infertility treatment.
The Selection Process
The workshop targets nurse practitioners and other primary health care providers like counselors because most doctors have undergone reproductive endocrinology and infertility courses. Since doctors undergo training in recognized institutions like John Hopkins University, Albert Einstein medical center among others, this implies that most of them have acquired a comprehensive knowledge of infertility (EMD Serono, Inc., 2012). That is why the workshop targets nurse practitioners and all substance abuse counselors within New York with credible credentials. The preferred candidates for the workshop need to have been practicing professionals and have attained over 3000 paid working hours (Schmidt, 2009).
The Training Process
After the workshop, the trained health care providers will be able to understand some of the causes of infertility including the process involved in diagnosing infertility. The participants will also understand the available treatment options and be able to come up with a comprehensive treatment plan that involves client’s emotional considerations and also medical needs (Schmidt, 2009).
It is important for client’s misconceptions, fear and knowledge gaps to be addressed. Therefore, the trained health care providers after the workshop will have the confidence of working close with other medical staffs in addressing infertility problems. This will ensure that clients concerns are addressed for them to be actively involved in the treatment process to achieve their ultimate goal, which is pregnancy (Schmidt, 2009).
The workshop offers health care providers with comprehensive education including some of the lab tests clients might need to undergo, the type of medication that they are likely to be given and also make them understand and accept the whole treatment process. Where necessary, the health care providers will guide clients in identifying issues that might have caused infertility and what are some of the challenges the client is facing that might affect the treatment process. This means that the health care providers need to have good listening skills to offer a supportive environment for clients.
The workshop will train the health care workers on the important points of consideration like test scheduling, any surgery that clients might need, issues related to medical appointments and procedures of passing infertility information to people who might be in need to reduce their anxiety and feelings of inferiority (Schmidt, 2009). This process will enable doctors to provide treatment smoothly without taking clients through the whole process of education as it was previously done.
The trained healthcare providers will not only assist clients with infertility problem but also reach out to the client's friends and other family members facing a similar problem. When healthcare providers are properly educated with basic information, they will be confident enough to assist the client to make timely decisions (Schmidt, 2009).
Marketing Strategy for the Workshop
Fliers will be distributed indicating, "Infertility education workshop for health care providers,” both posters and fliers will be posted on the organization website, and all the departments will be alerted on the same. Posters will also be pinned in employee lounges and other areas where employees are likely to gather (Houlden & Collier, 1999).
Emails will be sent to all administrators and other heads of medical departments within the state of New York. The main department for marketing the workshop is the office of public information and communications. Using its field operations office, the department will communicate with other service providers. The same office will be an ideal platform for leading public awareness about the healthcare providers' workshop and the treatment programs available (Houlden & Collier, 1999).
Apart from sending email, fliers can be sent to various offices about the upcoming workshop; information will also be forwarded various coordinating centers dealing with family planning services and rehabilitation programs. These offices will be the ideal point to disseminate information about the upcoming workshop because it oversees the largest and diverse addiction treatment programs. This will be one of the avenues for advertising the workshop to recruit the competent health practitioners who provide direct care and services (Houlden & Collier, 1999). Departmental supervisors will be involved in information dissemination about the upcoming workshop. The supervisors are expected to inform all the staff within the department about the infertility workshop (Houlden & Collier, 1999). The frequent announcement will be made using facilities speakers daily, in the morning and evenings for the next one week before the workshop. Health care providers working in the evening will be informed through posters to be pinned at every ward desk within the departments (Houlden & Collier, 1999).
Other posters will be pinned on doors to all departments. Working in collaboration with the relevant offices including office of alcoholism and substance abuse services and other private entities offering infertility treatment services, infertility services will be improved, and in the future, prevention and treatment of infertility will be strengthened (Houlden & Collier, 1999).
It is expected that after undergoing the in-service training, health care providers will i...
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