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Prostate Cancer Preventive Plan

Essay Instructions:

After reviewing the Class Resources, write a 800-1000 word paper proposing a plan to prevent or reduce the incidence of cancer, chronic illness, and/or disease. The plan will focus on lifestyle changes and risk factors, in addition to elements that promote wellness, while decreasing illness and current high rates [prevalence] of cancers, chronic illnesses, and disease.

It is important to use current scholarly research when formulating a plan. The elements selected should be supported by this research.

Include the following in the plan:

Choose a cancer, chronic illness, or disease. Check instructor announcements to see if topic approval is required.

Choose a community/culture/subculture. A subculture is a smaller group within a larger culture who share common beliefs, norms, and traditions.

Describe the background of the community/culture/subculture as it relates to history or other defining characteristics. Including but not limited to the following: (a) What is the background of the chosen community/culture/subculture? (i.e., demographics, such as age, education, race, sex); (b) Explain the historical factors that are important to the plan and the perceived positive and/or negative effects on health care (i.e., norms, traditions); (c) Why is this an important community/culture/subculture to apply a prevention or reduction program? (risk factors/current rates of cancer/illness or disease); (d) Why is it important to implement a plan in this community/culture/subculture? How is this critical to the prevention or reduction of incidence?

Describe several components of the plan. What factors are considered that have a correlation with the community/culture/subculture described? (i.e., education, socioeconomic status [SES], existing lifestyle behaviors, health behaviors, self-care, exercise and nutrition, conflicts with mainstream medicine, religious/spiritual factors).

Using research and psychological principles/theories to support your plan, explain how you would make this plan successful (i.e., how will you promote it?): (a) Include information on how your plan would positively affect the factors described for the community/culture/subculture in relation to the chronic illness (i.e., lifestyle changes for a person suffering from a diabetic condition); (b) Describe how you would go about implementing your plan. Where your plan would be based (for example, if your choice is children with cancer, would that be in a hospital, school, etc.?); (c) How would your plan be different to any existing plan for your chosen community/culture/subculture?

Explain any obstacles that might get in the way of implementing your plan, and how you would overcome these obstacles. These obstacles might include the existing plan, dynamics of the population, or other problems.

Use four to six outside peer-reviewed journal articles to support your discussion (one of which may be the textbook). Scholarly support is evidenced by in-text citations that match source references.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Prostate Cancer Preventive Plan Essay
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Professor’s Name
Due Date
Background of the Community
The Black population constitutes the third biggest ethnic or racial group in the United States (U.S.) after the Latinx community, comprising roughly 14 percent of the country’s total populace as of 2020 (Giaquinto et al., 2022). This group comprises Caribbean Americans, African Americans, and other recent immigrant populations of African origin. According to Tamir et al. (2019), the country’s Black population is relatively younger, with a median age of 32, although this figure varies across the different Black population identities. An estimated 3 million Black adults aged 25 and above (15 percent) have a bachelor’s degree (Tamir, 2021). The gender of the Black community in the U.S. appears evenly distributed across males and females, with females being slightly more than males across all age groups, as indicated in Figure 1 (Moslimani et al., 2023).
Figure 1: U.S. Black population age/gender distribution pyramid (Moslimani et al., 2023).
Historical Factors
One of the historical factors crucial to the health of the Black population relates to the evidence that they have constantly been a target of social discrimination. Although racial classification can be conceptualized as an aspect of social construction, it is still a valuable construct for delineating health patterns within the U.S. because of its connection to the social determinants of health (SDOH), which culminates into systemic genetic ancestry as well as racism (Giaquinto et al., 2022). The historical and persistent lower socioeconomic status of the Black population has made illnesses, including prostate cancer, disproportionately impact them. The widening racial disparities across the cancer care continuum is attributed to higher prostate cancer rate and less likely diagnosis and treatment among Black men compared to their counterparts from other communities (American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, Inc., 2022).
Importance of Applying the Prevention Plan
The Black community should utilize the health promotion program because out of the estimated 268,490 newly diagnosed prostate cancer cases, 34,500 men are likely to die from the illness as of 2022. Black men in the Caribbean and the U.S. record the highest prevalence rate of prostate cancer globally. In addition, they are twofold as likely to lose their lives due to prostate cancer complications than their non-Hispanic white counterparts (American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, Inc., 2022). This warrants the need for an effective prostate cancer prevention plan.
Importance of Implementing the Plan
Implementing the plan is crucial because it recommends routine Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) testing for screening for prostate concerns. This is important for preventing or reducing the high incidence rates by facilitating early diagnosis to prevent the illness from progressing. In addition, early diagnosis will allow the patient to choose the right treatment option based on the level of cancer, thus augmenting their health outcomes (Lillard et al., 2022).
Components of the Plan
The plan entails conducting routine PSA tests to encourage early diagnosis and treatment. In this vein, Black men should be educated on the value of screening, diagnosis, treatment, as well as follow-up on prostate cancer care. Since Black men are under-represented and under-enrolled in pivotal prostate-cancer trials, it is crucial to encourage minority population engagement in clinical inquiry. This can be encouraged by encouraging ...
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