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Project Management Plan for Completing a Capstone Project

Essay Instructions:

Draft a detailed and feasible project management plan and timeline for completing your capstone project. Note that activities planned to occur during the capstone activities should be described by milestones within each quarter.

Describe your project management plan. Include a table for descriptions of activities

• How will the capstone be completed in 12 weeks?

• How does your capstone timeframe align with, and fit into, the entire capstone process?

• What milestone activities are you aiming to complete, in which quarters?

T (Time frame, Practicum, and Capstone Project Plan)

Together with site leaders and your preceptor, create a project plan for your capstone.

• Describe specific activities during specific time frames that will occur in the capstone.

o Include the implementation of the intervention, activities immediately preceding the intervention to prepare for the intervention, and any activities immediately following the intervention, along with specific anticipated time frames for each.

• Describe specific roles for capstone activities.

o Include details on dedicated intervention implementation teams or professionals involved.

o Summarize the role of your preceptor, site leaders, or specific staff in the capstone activities.

o Describe your role in capstone activities.

• Include a table for descriptions of activities to ensure that you include all activities and roles.

o Note that activities planned for the capstone should be described by week for 12 weeks.

• Describe your assessment of the feasibility of activities and estimates of projected time frames.

o Include details on how the feasibility of completing specific activities in specific time periods was assessed.

o Describe relevant factors that have been or need to be considered, including financial, legal, technical, and operational considerations.

• Summarize how nurse burnout fits into the capstone process.

o Include the time frame projected when your capstone will occur.

o Describe which milestones and activities you plan to complete in which quarters.


1. Mentor Approval Capstone Topic and Deliverable

02. Approval of Capstone Proposal/Research Plan

03. Ethics Review/IRB Screening Not Completed

04. Mentor and Committee Approval of Capstone

05. School Approval of Capstone

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Project Management Plan for Completing my Capstone Project
Student's Name
Project Management Plan for Completing my Capstone Project
The capstone project is meant to develop better communication skills among the nurses in critical areas they engage the patient families. The study, therefore, explores how nurses in critical care enhance their communication skills. Specifically, the study explores the use of technology among the critical are nurses to engage patient families to inform them about the progress of their patients (Adams et al., 2017). The capstone will entail plans before, during, and after the actual intervention to explore the effectiveness of the proposed intervention as a way of improving nurse communication with patient families.
Project Details
The project will entail four phases. The first phase is before the intervention and preliminary research. This phase will take the first two weeks of the available 12 weeks for the whole project. The second phase is the actual intervention phase, where the proposed intervention will be introduced, and nurses asked to follow the measures proposed in the intervention. Nurse education will be conducted during this period to ensure that they implement the proposed intervention measures. This phase will take four weeks. The third phase entails further evaluation, modification, and redevelopment of the intervention to ensure that it gets to optimum performance levels. The third phase will take three weeks. The fourth phase entails an evaluation of the effect of the intervention through assessing its impact on the families involved. This phase will take three weeks.
Phase I of the Project
This is the phase preceding the introduction of the intervention. The period willet nail research provides adequate background about the current communication practices among the critical care nurses.
Week Activity Personnel Involved Desired Outcome Week 1To seek authorization and permission from various authorities Seek authorization from mentor and committee of capstone projects.
Senior nurse in the critical care unit.
Intensive care unit distractor.
Nursing informatics officer in charge of the critical care unit.
To seek authorization for the project from the school.
To seek the authorization of research from the hospital.
To seek access to sensitive data for use in the research. Week 2Research on how nurses communicate with their patients' families Critical care nurses
Senior nurse authorization.
To understand how nurses currently engage the families of their patients.
To identify the gaps in the current communication and note how the proposed changes will improve the current practice. 
Phase II
The second phase entails introducing the intervention policies among the nurses. And evaluating their impact on the operational performance of the nurses.
Week Activity Personnel Involved Desired Outcome Week 3Nurse education Communications leader
Nursing informatics leader
Social workerEducating the critical car...
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