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Progressive Evidence Based Practice Project:Hospital-Acquired Infections

Essay Instructions:

Academic project:
Students will complete a substantive project that reflects integration of theory and practice. The project is viewed as an activity that is evidence based and has a clearly defined purpose and expected outcome(s) and may involve a range of action steps.
Progressive Evidence Based Practice Project:
Students will—
a. Develop an Evidence-Based Nursing project that addresses a nursing care issue in a clinical setting.
b. Choose a topic which is important to advancing the Nursing Practice, relevant to the delivery of healthcare today and which is of interest to them personally.
c. Explore and analyze the problem, conduct an extensive search for the best available clinical evidence on the topic and write a critical, summative evaluation of the available literature.
d. Use the knowledge gained through examining the best evidence to develop and implement a plan for changing practice in a clinical setting.
e. Evaluation the outcomes of the project and make suggestions for sustaining the change in practice or for making future changes.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Hospital-Acquired Infections
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Professor’s Name
Date of Submission
Hospital-Acquired Infections
Progressive, Evidence-Based Practice Project (PEBPP) includes all Clinical expertise, research information, and patient preferences. EBPP is a problem-solving paradigm that assists nurses in providing high-quality health care (Geerlings, 2016). It also provides adequate evidence for nurses to make informed judgments in their practice. Because technology and lifestyle have transformed the healthcare industry, nurses often benefit from assessing research to better comprehend and implement new procedures in their approach. The project’s primary goal is to evaluate and investigate hospital-acquired illnesses. Infections obtained in a hospital setting, particularly after surgery or long-term care, are known as healthcare-acquired infections. Pathogens, viruses, SSI (surgical site infection), and UTI (urinary tract infection) are the most common causes of infections (Geerlings, 2016).
In infections acquired in hospitals, patients develop nosocomial infections due to therapy procedures for homeopathic or invasive diseases. HAIs occur in many healthcare settings, including surgical centers, outpatient clinics, and long-term care institutions. HAIs can affect any hospitalized patient, although some are at a higher risk than others. Young children, the elderly, and patients with chronic diseases with weakened immune systems are the most vulnerable (Walji et al., 2021). Extensive hospital stays, poor cleanliness procedures, unlicensed and unregulated antibiotic administration, and the use of indwelling catheters are all factors that predispose patients to nosocomial infections. In addition, practitioners, patients, infirmary equipment, and interventional methods can all spread nosocomial diseases. HAIs are commonly transmitted through the circulation, lungs, urinary system, and surgical lacerations. Nosocomial infections are most common 48 hours after admission or thirty days after surgery.
Significance of the Problem
Healthcare-acquired infections (HAIs), commonly referred to as nosocomial infections, are illnesses acquired when a patient is undergoing medical or surgical treatment. Infections linked to healthcare HAIs are a leading cause of morbidity and death in hospitalized patients. In addition, these infections’ direct and indirect expenses diminish the already scarce financial resources available for healthcare delivery (Walji et al., 2021). In South African hospitals, one out of every seven patients is at risk of contracting an HAI. Most HAIs are caused by post-surgical infections, bloodstream infections, urinary tract infections, and lower respiratory tract infections.
Antibiotics are used indiscriminately and inappropriately, resulting in the selection of antimicrobial-resistant microbes. According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), HAIs (health-acquired infections) kill at least 99,000 people in the United States each year (Ashley et al., 2020). Urinary tract infections are the most common HAI, accounting for more than 30% of hospital fatalities in the United States. Thus, HAIs are a substantial high-cost burden in clinical settings, with management costs reaching $46,000 per case. However, some ways may be used to avoid HAIs from occurring.
Noteworthy, compared to patients without HAIs, the average cost of the stay for patients with HAIs was $18,092.62 higher. The high standard deviation for total costs reflects the broad range of complete cost estimates for HAIs in surgical patients seen in the literature (Ashley et al., 2020). Differences in patient populations are also reflected in the literature. According to the linear regression model, each illness increased the overall cost of stay by $ 8,197. Patients with a higher age were associated with reducing expenses, which was an unexpected discovery.
The significant rise in LOS and expenses for patients who develop HAIs demonstrates the financial impact that thorough surveillance of such complications might have on healthcare organizations. Infection control effective techniques can considerably lower hospital costs, allowing resources to be directed to other requirements. For example, each additional day spent in the hospital owing to HAIs costs money and reduces the number of patients who may be treated at any one moment. Infection control measures can successfully reduce HAIs save money; however, the expense of these programs must be compared to the cost savings from HAIs prevention. Even if the advantages of HAI prevention are conservatively estimated, the value of infection control programs is likely to be less than the cost savings from HAI control for many institutions. Additionally, the average extra cost of HAIs typically exceeds the cost of the procedure itself (Ashley et al., 2020). According to the study, the benefits of HAI prevention are binary: it is beneficial for increasing both the quality of patient care and lowering non-reimbursed costs.
PICOT Question
Various measures will be used to investigate a PICOT Question on hospital-acquired infection. The measures will then be utilized to generate interventions based on the findings. The methods used to assess the best way to treat HAIs and incorporate it into professional practices to enhance and promote awareness of safety and quality healthcare services are derived from the recommended practices. HAIs are...
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